Book Lovers Day

Nagle Library is celebrating Book Lovers Day on the 27th of August, and we would like you to be part of this. Book Lovers Day is a day to see our favourite books in a new light. To see a new side of them, one that some may have never thought of. This new side of books will guarantee only to increase your love for books. Let me tell you how...

It must be a universal rule that we as book lovers have at least imagined one relationship, meaningful or not, with our favourite book character. As Library Monitors, we want to showcase this part of your imagination and extend it with a twist.

Instead of a favourite book character, you must humanise your favourite book and send us an exposition of 400 to 500 words to justify your love for the book. You are not allowed to mention any characters, but rather bring your favourite book to life in the form of a person. This ‘person’ will need its own characteristics and traits that can be identified from the book. All entries must be in by 22nd of August and then a panel will select the best book according to a set criteria. One winner will be rewarded for her marvellous creation, and will be announced on the 27th, Book Lovers Day! A novel by Laini Taylor, lunch voucher and Nagle water bottle will be waiting for the winner. The only thing is… will that be you? For more details of the competition, look for the rules on your year level Classroom Page.

10 August 2018