Book lovers Day Photobooth

Our Principal, Mrs Horan with Year 9 Students

Book Lovers Day Photobooth

Book Lovers Day is approaching soon with several activities lined up to celebrate this joyous day. . Feel like celebrating Book Lovers Day in your own special way? Maybe a raffle draw or maybe you’d prefer something more exciting? Perhaps a snapshot or two. The library monitors can accommodate that for sure! We have specially prepared a photobooth in the library as a fun way to celebrate the passion we have for reading. Although nothing could match our enthusiasm that we have for a book, we sure can try. So come to the library during recess and lunch from August 15-27 for a funtastic chance of getting your selfie taken with your favourite book. Do it for the BOOK LOVERS at Nagle! Do it for the BOOK LOVERS of the world! #BookLoversDay #NagleLibrary

18 August 2018