If a Book was to Become a Person

The Winning Composer with her Prizes

If a book was to become a person, who is the book you would fall in love with?

If a book was to become a person I would fall in love with ‘City of Glass’ by Cassandra Clare. This book would be a 16-year-old American young male adult named Corey. He would be dashing and brave! He would exist in a fantasy world where he battles evil creatures. This can be associated with the teens’ common obsession of the supernatural.

Corey would be American as the author of this book is a New Yorker. He lives in Manhattan, New York and the majority of the book is set in the busy streets of the city.

Corey’s physique would be a solid build, this can be justified by the width of the book. He would have mustard eyes due to the colour of the front cover. He would possess fair skin because of the white font, and fiery red hair because of the front cover and he would wear black ripped jeans and black skin-tight t-shirt because of the dark parts pictured in the front cover.

Corey’s academic prowess is really amazing! He is exceptional at math which is supported by the page numbers. He’s an amazing poet and loves English. This can be linked back to the books as the pages begin with several little poems. Also, the storyline of the book contains the supernatural world of shadow hunting, and their power in runes.

I have incorporated in his characteristics that he is an artist. The red book cover symbolises his dangerous nature, he keeps lots of little secrets that can refer back to the small font inside the book. He is an extrovert. This can be seen through the bold titles on the front cover and the start of Chapters. I would fall in love with this character because he would be academically smart while he also has a dangerous side to him which is very attractive and fun. Thus concluding and justifying why I picture ‘The City of Glass’ as a real loveable person like this.

-by A Galea, Year 10

27 August 2018