JK Rowling taught us that it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

Hello fellow readers,

I’m so excited to give you my very first book review for our Library Website. My review is from my favourite series. It’s extremely popular, gaining the title of Best Selling and can even be seen as one of the first ever books to cater for readers with all different tastes, from all different stages in life. With 500 million sales across the seven book series one in fifteen people from all different parts of the world own at least one copy. If you still can't guess, this novel was also, through its popularity, converted into a progressive movie spectacular, collectively grossing at more than $7.7 billion worldwide. Do you know what series I’m talking about now?

If you said… Harry Potter, then you are 100% correct! That’s right you heard it, the unbelievably amazing series written by JK. Rowling! I am going to review the first book in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

The first book is essentially about Harry’s first exposure to the world of magic, and is an overall introduction to an intriguing and one of a kind creativity which undoubtedly inspires readers of all ages. You can admit it. It's common knowledge that literally everyone has taken the “Which Harry Potter house are you in” quiz, and that too more times than any of us can count (or would like to admit). Through Rowling’s ability to develop a completely extraordinary plot, combining aspects of history, religion, fantasy and magic all into one, society has experienced the formation of a specific community, unique in its entirety. The bonds which we witness, as Harry makes unbreakable friendships, ultimately shape his character as the story progresses, revealing a better and stronger person we grow to love.

JK Rowling, Author

In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Harry realises he is a wizard on his eleventh birthday. When mysterious letters start arriving on his doorstep, Harry Potter has never heard of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry’s uncle and aunt slowly get rid of all the letters. One day a strange man bursts into Harry’s home and proclaims that he is a wizard. The strange man known as Hagrid asked Harry if he knew about his parents popularity. Harry is astonished and confused because his aunt and uncle said that they died from a car crash.

As we eagerly discover his true identity many of us question who we ourselves are. Similar to Harry throughout our own lives, particularly within the teenage stages we begin to explore our own interests and talents within life. From the academics, to musical expertise, to even sporting intrigues, we all pave our own path of self discovery and push the boundaries of life, as we live out the possibilities without fear and regret. At one time we even think that maybe… just maybe, one day we too will receive a letter, telling us we are not part of this materialistic world, instead apart of something completely different. Something magical and special. That we ourselves may be wizards and witches, attending the prestigious Hogwarts! Despite the extreme unlikeliness of this, we are not able to stop our minds, let alone our imaginations, from twisting and turning and searching for that one thing.

Following Harry’s discovery, Hagrid explains everything fluidly; about how his parents are famous, and how his mother protected him from dying against “he who shall not be named”. With Hagrid's help Harry goes to Hogwarts and enjoys a happy year there. When Harry reaches Hogwarts the sorting hat announces that he belongs to Gryffindor. The Gryffindor table is so happy. Throughout the year Harry Potter has learnt a variety of new subjects such as Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology and many more. Paying attention to all these subjects Harry, Hermione and Ron are able to seize the Philosopher's Stone. Once the Philosopher's Stone is saved from Voldemort, Harry goes back home to Private Drive with his cousins. Whether it be through our learning experiences, or through our interactions with others, we are continuously in search of that one thing that will make our heart pulsate. Just as Harry was able to develop an appreciation for his identity as a wizard, teenagers like you and me too can, through faith in abilities and perception achieve great mounds of success and self fulfilment. My favourite part in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is when he faces all those challenges to obtain the Philosopher's Stone. With Hermione and Ron, Harry is unstoppable! It is during this time of personal uncertainty, similar to Harry that we truly come to know what it means to be true to oneself, despite the various pressures of society. And whilst it can be a challenging time, Harry Potter teaches us that if anything we are all magical beings destined for greatness. When we come together as a community this greatness becomes stronger helping us achieve communal success regarding, technological advancements, spiritual connections and most importantly social justice.

Overall I have learnt from this book that friendships can last till the end. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is an amazing book to read. I found this book really enjoyable. JK Rowling is an amazing author who has invested her time to write and publish these books. The Harry Potter collection is fantastic and I highly recommend all of you fellow readers to read it as well.

-A Jacob, Year 8