SOng review

Drake taught us TO LIVE inside a moment, NOT taking pictures to save it.


god's plan

Album: Scary Hours

Released: 2018

Genre: Rap/Hip-hop

The Canadian rapper, Drake dropped one of the longest leading #1 Billboard Hot 100 songs, “God’s Plan” earlier this year with a music video in which he gave away almost $1 million in cash to people in Miami. The song gained lots of popularity due to Drake’s message, "go out and be nice to each other”. He challenged his followers on Instagram to practice this message. Drake speaks of his successful life story in this song which he attributes God’s plan for him. He addresses that he has lots of haters and people who would love to see his career go downhill, “wishin’ me a lot of bad things”. However, this song proves he is unstoppable, with the help of the Almighty, and he has been able to withstand all the negative influences around him.

Drake also portrays the message of God, “Love your neighbour as yourself”, clearly throughout his visuals in the "God's Plan" video. This consists of the usual sumptuous efforts from Drake's team and shows him handing out wads of cash to struggling families, toys to children, scholarships to students, helping the youth and women's shelter in Miami, Florida. He emotionally enables all ages to connect and learn from his actions; making all come to the realisation of how far a little bit of caring can do to bring a smile on someone’s face.

This track zigzags back and forth between various topics. One moment, Drake’s focused on those who don’t wish him well. The next, he’s talking about loving his mother more than anything in the world. Sometimes he seems at peace with his superstar life. Other times, maybe not so much, admitting, “I feel good, sometimes I don't.” The song itself has a great catch to it which is Drake’s style. Although it jumps from topic to topic, the song is still very relatable to many of his fans; especially those in their teenage years still finding who they are with a mix of emotions. Drake’s “God’s Plan” challenges us to have faith and to be kind, caring and loving to others in this cruel world.

- R Kaur, Year 10