Tamora taught us that it is not only humans and the big animals have their own gods. The rivers, mountains, lakes, forests have their own gods as well.

Hello fellow readers,

This would be my first review so don't judge me straight away…. Anyway.

Today I will be writing about Tempests and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce, a book that has made me shed tears of laughter and sadness (which is really good if your into that stuff). It is a combination of fantasy, romance and adventure and keeps you gripped to the very last page.

So where should I start with this review? How about the plot line?

The book revolves around mages, where if you have magic you go to the Imperial University of Carthak (sounds like Harry Potter am I right) and you learn how to become a master and use your powers for good. There are a lot of twists and turns with the book and the cliff hangers leave you with a sense of loss when you finish each chapter and Pierce doesn't hesitate in killing your favourite characters make you feel like your heart has broken in two. The storyline is practically on the blurb however, i will describe it to you with more depth and make it easier for you to understand....

Arram is a 10 year old boy (who will say he is 11) who was living in 435 BC where there was a lot of gruesome sports (if you like the type of fighting where people get their intestines ripped out this is the book for you). He has a special knack for magic and doesn't mind showing off to his teachers which ends in the flooding of his classroom. After the realisation of his unlimited amount of magic, his principle enlists him into the university where he could learn how to handle his powers. In this university he makes lots of friends such as Ozorne, the prince of the empire and Varice, who he is absolutely in love with. He goes through lots of challenges with them and becomes a greater person throughout the years he spends at the university.

In books I can’t really relate to characters who are under 15 however, I really enjoyed it and was really relieved that he ended up being 16 by the end of the book and I was glad that I could live through him and see him grow up.

The romance element to this was beautiful and really blended into the storyline. Varice is fiery and has no boundaries when it comes to personal space, however she can be very charitable and finds serenity in helping others in the kitchen. Her personality compliments with Arrams as he is more introverted and finds that sucking up to teachers is then way to go. Throughout the book their friendship developed into a subtle romance when they find jealousy in other characters taking interest in the opposite person. If you love romance like me you will NOT be disappointed and their love/friendship is really enticing.

Overall I would give this book a 4/5 because I really enjoyed it and was really upset when it ended. I feel like you would really enjoy this book and I am excited to hear what you think of it.

Get reading :)

-by A Barreto, Year 10