Lara Jean taught us that part of growing up is saying goodbye to the things you used to love.

TO all the boys i've loved before

Directed by: Susan Johnson

Distributed by: Netflix

Release Date: 17 August 2018

Hello movie watchers,

Today I am coming at you with my first movie review on a book recreated into a movie. To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before is a teen romance comedy that will make even the haters of love swoon. Its combination of teen drama (although false) and a beautiful story line captures the audience's attention and will make you have the rewatch button by your side the whole time.

I read the book before I watched the movie and so I had high expectations for what it would turn out like. When it did come out on that August Friday night I was there in front of the TV waiting for the loading sign to hit 100%.

If I am being honest, the movie wasn’t what I expected it to be and I found it disappointing as the storyline was a bit different and I don’t feel like Netflix cast the right actors to play certain parts. For example, I have this view that if you have a person on the front cover modelling the book then that is who should play the character as they are who you envision whilst reading. When I saw the movie and saw who was playing Lara Jean, I was shocked as she looks completely different to who I thought she should look like, not saying that Lana Condor who plays this character was bad in the role. It was just a shock!

Lana Condor as Lara Jean

Susan Johnson, Director

The plot of this story is a young girl named Lara Jean wrote five letters to boys whom she felt an immense love for in the past, the most recent one is the boy next door, Josh Sanderson. The problem with him though is he is dating her older sister Margot. However, as she was running laps in Peter Kavinsky walks up to her and starts saying that he appreciates her but only sees her as a friend. It then dawns on her that her letters have been sent out. As she sees Josh approach she does something any rational person would do... she kisses Peter. This is how the whole romance progresses, she and Peter pretending they are dating whilst trying to make Josh and Peter’s ex-girlfriend jealous. But the question they have to ask themselves is do they want to only pretend?

I liked what they did with the portrayal of the book and would rate the movie a 3.5/5 because I loved the book and some bits weren't in the movie especially some of my favourites. Finally, this film is for Senior students only!

Hope you watch this Netflix film. Enjoy.

-A Barreto, Year 10