film review

Alfred Hitchcock taught us that the length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.

“If a million people see my movie, I hope they see a million different movies.” – Quentin Tarantino

A favourite Netflix series, blockbuster film, classic movie or binge worthy TV show, we’ve all got one. This page is dedicated to these films and shows that illustrate stories, strategically constructed to make us continue on a journey that can be visually and aurally appealing. Nagle students share this common interest and share this joy and passion to others, by writing reviews to share. We all understand that regardless of whether two people watch the same movie, a slightly different interpretation of the overall meaning and message of the film will always be encountered. The Nagle College Website, welcomes and embraces this diversity and individuality in opinion as it allows other students to be open to other perspectives and interpretations of meaning. These interpretations of meaning can be made relatable to us in ways we could not have even imagined and applicable to the everyday lives we have.