end of the year message

Arthur Weasley taught us that curiosity is a good thing.

Nagle Library Website Staff

The Nagle Library’s literature endeavour began in a small, dusty room overcrowded with books and students. It sprung with an idea and flourished with the enthusiasm of every student who became involved and committed to it. The dedication donated to each review and video contributed to the incredible content that was accumulated over the span of a year. The spirits of critiques and fans surged the site with an abundant range of remarkable works representative of the unique experience a Nagle student has had with a published work. It was the cohesive operation between librarian and student that brought life to a screen that had been born from an avid reader’s interaction with a book.

The students are the diligent writers that cause the site to thrive. Each entry had been written as a service happily performed by a student. The site has served as a learning experience for students. Where they’ve discovered their potential and the possibilities to be explored when creating reviews. Through videos or notes, without their contribution the Nagle Library website would not have achieved the success it sees today. It’s not so much a collection of writings but an ensemble of teenage literature and creativity. Any and all of their efforts are to be commended for it takes formidable courage to take action and submit a review.

The Nagle Library website had been intended to be a platform for sharing thoughts and ideas. It has grown into a community where all kinds of reviews are available. It’s diversity is representative of the various personalities in Nagle that are distinct and and plentiful.

Happy Holidays!

The site had begun small but has grown to unpredicted heights. It’s become an inspiration for students in and outside of Nagle. It’s gained the recognition of authors and teachers alike. It’s become a topic of conversation, building a library community and strengthening communications between the shelves of books. This could not have been done without every single person who wrote, recorded, read or shared the site. The site has only achieved so much with the co-operation and volunteering of all those involved.

A Abreu, Year 10

17 December 2018