Happy new school year

Arthur Weasley taught us that curiosity is a good thing.

Happy New School Year!

Many might think 2018 had been a tough year, while others might say it was fairly exciting. For the library, it sure had been exciting...but I will not dwell on the past, but I will anticipate for a wonderful future.

Happy New Year everyone. I hope you enjoyed your break because we are jumping back to school straightaway. The library is looking forward for a positive new start and we are hoping everyone else is feeling the same.

In the beginning of school many still have their holiday hats on, but to start the school year positively I’m afraid to say that you must remove that hat. Getting rid of your holiday vibes will let you become more focused and productive for school, and the end result will definitely benefit you in all aspects in your life. Make sure to get involved in school as much as possible, but under no circumstances you should tire yourself out. Starting school with opportunities where you can put your extra energy in is good. Although at times you should take care of yourself and know your limits. To stay on top in class, get to know your classmates and teachers, it might be a daunting experience but I assure you wholeheartedly at the end it will be worth it. Getting help from teachers or students can help expand your knowledge and develop working comfortably with others. Who knows you might building new friendships working with others.T

2019 definitely has a lot in store for you and so as your library...probably even more! Last year we introduced the Nagle Library Website with a full package of movie, book, and music reviews. This year you can expect even more. More music to listen to. More books to read and review about. More movies to explore. The library offers the whole lot to you in an informative and entertaining manner. We’re excited to share this to you and even more excited for you to explore it.

I sincerely hope that you can start 2019 off right. I hope you start the new year with amazing teachers, amazing classmates and amazing friends. I hope your skin is clear, your calculators working and your textbooks are cheap and quality-approved. Let’s look forward to the new year together.

N Venu, Year 10

29 January 2019