Audiobook Week

Audiobook Week is around the corner, and the library is celebrating it on June 15-22. The library monitors are setting up Macbooks with wonderful sample audiobooks ready to be listened to! But that's not all….we will also be holding a raffle ticket draw on the 22nd of June with fabulous prizes ranging from cutesy stuff to useful stationery from the hip store Typo. So now you ask, “How do I win?” It's easy! Simply go to the library at lunch, register your name and homeroom to the library monitor stationed there and have an awesome experience listening to an audiobook for 10 minutes. After that, write a one-sentence review of the story and get your raffle ticket. SIMPLE AS THAT! What’s more, to get another ticket just go back to the library the next day and listen to another audiobook. But this time you must add five more minutes to your previous listening time. So make sure to come around to the cozy NEW library in Week 7-8 and join the audiobook craze. See you there!

8 June 2018