Music Is Not Distracting
Quarter 3
Yen Nguyen
Some people say that listening to music in class while working is distracting. However, I think it actually helps students concentrate and not be distracted. Why don't teachers let kids listen to music in class?
Music can help students concentrate and reduce stress. With all the heavy work that is being piled on them, some kids might just need calming music to soften their overthinking. David Victor states, “Music has a powerful impact on the brain, particularly in reducing stress. When we listen to music, it can activate the pleasure centers in the brain, releasing dopamine and creating feelings of relaxation and happiness. Additionally, music can decrease cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress. Research shows that listening to calming music for just 15 minutes can significantly lower stress levels and improve overall mental well-being (Statistics from a study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center).” This shows how music can help calm students down. Multiple students at school have said that whenever they feel stressed, they use music to calm themselves down or to focus.
Music is not only good for students; it can also help teachers manage the class by making it less chatty. Sometimes kids can get out of control and take advantage of the teachers. A little music can calm everyone down and get everyone back on track. An anonymous 8th grader said, “Music does help me concentrate because it blocks out other outside noises.” Working and focusing on one thing can help more people than you think—not only yourself but also the people surrounding you.
However, some people may disagree with this. Some say that music can be distracting because students spend the majority of their time choosing a song to play. Mrs. Weirich, a Journalism and English teacher, stated, “In my journalism class I do let my students listen to music. In my other English classes, I don't. Usually, if I play music, it's something that I play on my computer, like classical music. I don't let my 8th graders listen to music because a lot of them are more interested in the music that they're listening to instead of the assignment, so it distracts them and makes them lose their focus, and I want them to focus on the assignment, not the music.” This shows that students are more interested in changing the music than doing their own work. But this problem can be fixed by supervision. Teachers can let the kids who do their work have the privilege of listening to music. Students can also make a playlist so they don’t have to choose a new song every second.
These reasons provide evidence of how music could benefit students. If you think there is a way that music can distract you or others, there are many easy ways to fix it. Do you think music is distracting or helpful?