Fitz Cell Phone Policy Needs to Change
Natalie Vergara, Contributor
Quarter 1, 2021
Fitz students should be able to use cell phones on campus during their free time at school. They should be allowed to use their phones once they are out of class and have free time.
When students finish their classwork, they ought to have the choice of whether or not to use their phone. Daniela agrees. She said, “I think we should be allowed to use our phones if we use them in a responsible and respectful manner.” She feels that if we earn time to use our phones, as long as we use them in an appropriate way, there shouldn't be a problem.
Others disagree. Mrs. Velekie says it is a good idea that we have a policy about not using our phones because “kids get easily distracted.” Mrs. Velekie feels that if we use our phones at school, we will not do our school work and we will not pay attention in class. She also said that “it helps us understand there is a place and time to use it,” meaning our school campus is not the place nor time to take out our phones.
Using our phones on campus will help us be less distracted; sometimes you just want to watch a YouTube video or check your social media. Furthermore, phones also help with social anxiety. Some students don’t have it as easy as just walking up to another student and becoming friends with them. They might have social anxiety and can't make new friends. Maybe their cell phone is their only way of distraction.
Sometimes we get home and have our phone blown up with unread messages from our friends or parents. When I don’t answer my mom, she starts getting worried. So if I had a couple minutes of phone time, I could answer my mother and make sure she knows everything is fine at school.
More importnatly, if there were a case of an emergency, and we were allowed to carry our phones around with us, we would be able to inform our parents or family members.
In conclusion, there are people that agree with using our phones on campus, but there also are some who don’t think it is such a good idea. Hopefully, we have the opportunity to change the cell phone policy.