Fitz Intermediate Should Make Room for Phones

Yen Nguyen and Allyson Terrones 

Quarter 1, 2023

Fitz Intermediate doesn’t allow phones to be used at all on campus. Not using your phone in class is understandable, but why shouldn’t we be allowed to leave our phones in our pockets and use our phones during passing periods or lunch? Being able to use  phones during passing periods and lunch might be a blessing for some kids. Instead of being scared of getting your phone taken away or hiding it from the teacher, kids will just be able to check it before or  after class so they won’t have to sneak it during class. Which can also make the teacher less worried about students having their phones out during class. 

To help this problem, Fitz should make a room during lunch where kids can use their phones. Many people will love this idea. “I think this room will benefit our school because kids will be able to have a fun time in this room and don’t have to worry about getting in trouble with teachers and staff,” said an anonymous 8th grader. Not only will the kids like this, but some teachers may also like the idea. Ms. Gunderson from Fitz said, “We can make sure that the phones are under supervision. Kids with a good GPA should be able to use their phones in the room during lunch so they can have a fun time at school.” This would also prevent phones from being used in class because students would just wait until lunch. 

A problem with using your phone in class is that some kids get their phones taken away. An anonymous 8th grader said, “I have gotten my phone taken away because I was texting my dad back and the teacher got me in trouble. I was just trying to text my dad back because I had a family emergency.” Some parents like to check up with their kids sometimes and it might be rude for their child to not text them back. Parents might understand that kids can't use their phones in school, especially in class, so why not change the policy so that kids can use their phones during the passing period AND make a room for phones during lunch?

The room can also help prevent students  from using their phones inappropriately. “I think phones are banned because some kids are not using them correctly. For example, they are filming or taking pictures of other people.” With this room we can make sure everyone feels safe.

In conclusion, having a room dedicated to phones is a compromise  that would benefit everyone on campus, from teachers to students. What do you think?