Fitz Intermediate Creates New ELO Programs

Annie Doan and Jordyn Davis

Quarter 1, 2023

Fitz Intermediate recently added new ELO Programs for more after school learning opportunities! There is a large variety of programs to choose from, from Gardening Club to Mariachi.

Mr. Gomez, our school's principal, has added new after school programs. Our principal, Mr Gomez, explained why he reopened the ELO programs, how they benefit students, and what are some new ELO this year. "On our campus new 7th graders are allowed to pick electives, but a few of our 8th graders don’t have electives and wanted to join one. This also gives our students new opportunities to meet new people, explore new areas, and something to do after school,“ said Mr. Gomez. Mr. Gomez went on to explain that ELOs are “something fun for the students and to give the students new opportunities." This year, Fitz added: Folkloric Dance, Art from the Heart, Library, Music Lab, Yoga, Speech, STEM Chess, Gardening, IXL Lab, etc.

One of the new ELO programs is the Gardening Club. The science teacher, Mrs. Velekei, runs the club. They meet every Monday from 2:25-3:25 PM. The club emerged because a student suggested the idea to Mrs. Velekei and she thought it would be an amazing idea! Many students in Gardening have stated that they enjoy this program because they had a peak interest in gardening and wanted to try something new. Another student said that she had joined because she wanted to share her gardening skills with other students. That student also said that she joined Gardening because she wanted to help the environment. This program would be really helpful for our environment and they would be ecstatic if more students joined! 

With more assignments coming up, students can feel stressed. Well, to prevent this, students can join Yoga afterschool with Mrs. Roman! Yoga can help relieve stress and soothe your muscles. They meet up every Monday and practice new yoga movements. We have this program because it helps students relieve stress and clear their minds. A student reported that she enjoys Yoga because she gets to calm down and her body starts to feel relaxed. I would recommend joining her class if you often feel stressed. 

STEM Chess is also one of the new ELO Programs. Many students who already enjoy chess have joined, but this doesn’t mean people who don’t know how to play can’t join! They meet up every Thursday and Friday and Mr. Vargas is in charge of the program. In that class, they learn how to improve their chess skills and they play against other students. Students have reported that they enjoy this program because they get to do something they love, which is playing chess! 

Folkloric Dance is also a new unique ELO Program we have. Why is it so special you may ask, well, it’s because Folkloric Dance is a cultural dance which helps students embrace their culture. They meet up every Monday and they practice dancing and learning new techniques. Mrs. Zamora is in charge of the club and she’s also a DLI teacher! We have this program because it helps students be more enthusiastic about their culture and even learn more about it! Even if you’re not a part of this culture, you can still join! They’re open to everyone as long as you’re respectful and passionate about it! One student quoted that she liked this program because she learned more about her culture and she loves to dance, so she gets to experience two things she loves!

Overall, there will always be many opportunities to try out something new with these ELO Programs. Some of the new ones are extremely unique and hopefully everybody will get a chance to join or try out!