ASB Back-to-School Party

Erika Nguyen and Laylee Soth, Contributors

Quarter 1, 2021

ASB threw this year’s first Back-to-School Party at Fitz Intermediate in the West Quad to celebrate students’ return to Fitz.

Students had to pay 5 dollars and submit a permission slip signed by a parent. There were multiple activities such as limbo, hula-hoops, music, a photo booth, and Splash Zone! Our school mascot, Frank the Falcon, was there to share Fitz pride. Many kids were having lots of fun being at the party.

“Thanks to Mr. Magana for giving the O.K. to having the water play activity. There were actually supposed to be games with the water, but middle school energy took over and it just became a fun chance to get soaked. That was by far my favorite thing because I love to see kids having a good time being kids!” Ms. Trujillo, the ASB Club advisor, said.

Multiple kids were soaking wet from the Splash Zone, and the limbo area turned into a jumping contest while other kids were just dancing to the music.

There were also a variety of snacks: CapriSun, Koolaid, and many kinds of chips. The Fitz Journalism Club also ran a photo booth for the students. The photos were delivered to each student a few days later.

The event was inspired by a block party. Mrs. Trujillo said, “ASB did not want to do a typical dance indoors. ASB wanted to stay outside where the students could run around and engage with each other in a variety of ways.” The event also included music in case students wanted to dance.

However, not everyone enjoyed the event. “To be honest, the party wasn’t that fun,” an anonymous student said. Some students thought that the party wasn't enjoyable due to the lack of activities. However, most students found it enjoyable while some thought it was decent.

Everyone went home at 4:15 and called it a day. It was a fun afternoon for the students.