Maths RW3 T2

Week 10

WALT - Participate 100% as a member of a group

- Find fractions of a whole

This week you will be put into different maths groups to complete a special fractions mission.


In your assigned groups open your mission envelope. Your mission is to work together as a team to create a visual representation of the fractions written on the envelope (look at the example below).

1/4 of 8 = O O O O O O O O

- Your visual representation could be a photograph, video, Google Doc or anything else you can think of.

- Points will be given to the groups who work together best and the groups where EVERYONE participates.

- Points will also be given to the groups that come up with an interesting way to represent a fraction. FYI the example above is not interesting.

- You will be sharing your creations to the class 9.30 Thursday morning.

Week 9

WALT - Solve word problems using various strategies


1 - Complete Multiplication Pyramid

2 - Meet with teacher when called

3 - Copy, file and turn in Learning Evidence

4 - Complete slides

5 - Post onto your blog!

Video: Place Value Partitioning

Learning Evidence

T2W9 Calculators & Compass Word Problems

Week 8

WALT - Finish our work off properly.

We only have 2 days of normal school this week. We are going to use these 2 days to make sure all our work is completed properly, filed and turned in. - There will be no rotations this week, everyone should be finishing of their tasks.


1. Go back and look at this term's work.

2. Make sure each task is 100% completed, filed and turned in.

3. Share COMPLETE learning on your blog. Make sure you have a blurb explaining your learning.

4. Once You have done this go and look at Term 1's tasks and do the same.

Week 7

WALT - Represent decimal numbers and solve equations using objects


1 - Meet with teacher when called

2 - Watch the video below

3 - Copy, file and turn in Block decimals

4 - Complete tasks

5 - Share your learning on your blog

Tenths/Hundredth blocks

Week 6 - Miss Stewart

WALT - Identify the equation to solve the problem


1 - Meet with teacher when called

2 - Copy, file and turn in Word Problems

3 - Complete word problems

4 - Share your learning on your blog

Miss Stewart Mixture of problems

Week 5

WALT - Identify and uses tenths to make numbers


1 - Meet with teacher when called

2 - Copy, file and turn in Learning Evidence

3 - Complete learning evidence

4 - Share your learning on your blog

Place value - tenths

Week 3 & 4 - camp

WALT - Interpret information from a pie graph and bar graph


1 - Meet with teacher when called

2 - Copy, file and turn in Learning Evidence

3 - Complete slides

4 - Watch video


Learning Evidence

T2W2 Statistical Literacy

Week 2

WALT - Use our knowledge of place values, fractions and decimals to solve word problems


1 - Meet with teacher when called

2 - Copy, file and turn in Learning Evidence

3 - Complete slides

4 - Watch video

Video: Fractions song for kids

Learning Evidence

Recap 2

Week 1

WALT -Solve problems using various strategies

- Read various types of graphs


1 - Complete Number Of The Week

1 - Meet with teacher when called

2 - Copy, file and turn in 'Mixture of problems'

3 - Complete mixture of problems

4 - Copy, file and turn in Intro to statistics

5 - Complete Intro to statistics

6 - Share your learning on your blog

Mixture of problems

Google Presentation

Open word problems

Intro to statistics

Intro to Statistics 3&4