Digital Footprint

Smart Learners

Kawa of Care | Digital Dig | Reuse and Attribute an Image | Strong Passwords |

Smart Footprints

Blog Profiles | Quality Blog Posts | Digital Footprint |

Smart Relationships

Quality Blog Comments | Film Festival

Smart Footprint: We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We understand that every time we connect, collaborate and share online it combines to create our digital footprint.

“A digital footprint [or digital reputation] is all of the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally. Filling out a form, leaving a blog comment, updating your status, checking into a location, emailing or IMing a friend, posting a photo, visiting a website, using a search engine… everything you do online leaves a trail. This trail is your digital footprint.” EGUSD

24 Hour Footprints
    • Don’t post personal information (full name, age, phone number).

    • Keep passwords private.

    • Pick a strong password no one else is likely to guess.

    • Think before you post or share information.