Maths HJ1 T2

Week 8/9

WALT - Identify and uses tenths to make numbers


1 - Meet with teacher when called

2 - Copy, file and turn in Popsicle decimals & Learning Evidence

3 - Complete tasks

4 - Share your learning on your blog

Google Presentation

Statistics corner!!! open here

Google Presentation
Mrs Judd's maths problems
Google Document

Week 6

WALT - Identify and uses tenths to make numbers


1 - Meet with teacher when called

2 - Copy, file and turn in Popsicle decimals & Learning Evidence

3 - Complete tasks

4 - Share your learning on your blog

Popsicle Decimals

Popsicle decimals
Place value - tenths

Week 5

WALT: How to gather and display category and simple whole-number data - interpret displays in context.


1 - Timetables practice - do this as part of your basic facts station

2 - Meet with teacher when called

3 - Copy, file & turn in Statistical Investigation activity

4 - Once completing Statistical investigation with a partner, complete 'Number word problems'.

5 - Share your learning on your blog


Statistical Investigations

Statistical Investigation

Week 3 & 4

WALT: Create graphs to communicate ideas

Morning maths

1 - Meet with Teacher for GloSS when it is your turn

2- Complete 'discussing data' work on a google doc. Save in your maths file and turn in to week 3.

3- Complete 'Where on earth' on a google doc

4- Complete task 5 AWS

3- Watch youtube clip

Afternoon maths

1 - Math whizz - 20 minutes

Video - Graphs

Activity: Where on earth

Google Document
Google Document
Google Document

Open 'Task 5' here

Here is a link to games you can play once you are done. click on stage 4 at the top

Complete 'Discussing Data' on a google doc. Save it in your maths file and turn it in

Week 2

WALT: Interpret a range of different graphs

Morning maths

1 - Meet with Teacher when it is your turn

2- Complete 'too much telly' work on a google doc. Save in your maths file and turn in to week 2.

3- Watch maths monsters episode

Afternoon maths

1 - Math whizz - 20 minutes

2 - Hit the button - 10 minutes

Video - Graphs

Activity: Too much telly

Google Document

Here is a link to games you can play once you are done. click on stage 4 at the top

Complete too much telly on a google doc. Save it in your maths file and turn it in


Week 1

WALT: Interpret a range of different graphs

Morning maths

1 - Meet with Teacher when it is your turn

2- Complete 'choice squares' work on a google doc. Save in your maths file and turn in to week 1.

3- Watch maths monsters episode

Afternoon maths

1 - Math whizz - 20 minutes

2 - Hit the button - 10 minutes

Video - Maths monsters

Activity: Choice squares

Follow up activity

T1W7 - WALT: Add and subt...ct fractions and decimals