Week of 11/4/19-11/8/19

Post date: Nov 08, 2019 9:32:1 PM


  • Students will be taking their 2.1 unit test next Tuesday and Wednesday 11/12 and 11/13

    • Students should study the following cultural information:

Mexico-Population is approximately 127,000,000 people

Capital City is Distrito Federal

Currency is the peso

Basic Foods-tortillas, tacos, enchiladas, tamales, rice and beans

San Miguel Allende-a charming tourist town that draws artists and musicians every year. In it's network of narrow streets are brightly painted red, orange, and yellow buildings that house tiny shops, eateries, ad art galleries. In San Miguel de Allende, people of all ages go to the Jardin Principal, a tree-lined park in the center of town, to stroll, listen to music, and spend time with family and friends. Music is an ever present feature of the Jardin Principal. Saturday afternoons and evenings are the liveliest times, when both mariachis and amateur musicians meander around the central square.

Chichen Itza-Once a great Mayan City, complete with a plaza, marketplace, athletic fields, and numerous temples. Between A.D. 700 and A.D. 1200, it was the Yucatan's seat of power for government, religion, and the military. The ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza include structures built for worship, sports, and studying. Kukulcan, a pyramid, was used as a temple. The word Kukulcan is the Mayan name for Plumed Serpent, a deity frequently shown in central American art.

UNAM-La Universidad Nacional Automoma de Mexico.This university, founded over 500 years ago, has been attended by many of Mexicos former presidents, statesmen, scientists, writers, and artiists. The Mexico City campus of the University boasts a number of architecturally impressive buildings. One of them bears the university's coat of arms, with the motto Por mi raza hablara el espiritu (For my race the spirit will speak). The university is one of the oldest in the Americas, and the largest public university in Mexico with over 270,000 students. The library's exterior mosaic mural depicts moments in the cultural history of Mexico.

Puebla Mexico-This city was established in 1531, and is the most European of Mexico's colonial cities. El 5 de Mayo is a celebration of the Mexican victory over French invaders at Puebla on May 5, 1862. This date should not be confused with Mexico's Independence Day from Spain celebrated September 16. In the early hours of 9/16/1810, Father Hidalgo, followed by other Mexican patriots, rang the bell of his church calling all Mexicans to fight for their independence from Spain. The war lasted 10 years. Today, like the 4th of July in the USA, Mexicans celebrate 9/16 with a big fiesta with fireworks and the Mexican flag displayed in every house and building.

School uniforms-very common in Mexico. The color and type of uniforms depend on the individual school.

Diego Rivera-A famous Mexican artist. Used murals to express himself. The Mexican government commisioned Diego to paint murals about Mexico's history. The mural, Detalle de Alfabetizacion reflects the idea of free public education (page 97 in textbook). The mural, painted by Rivera, took four years to finish, sometimes painting 18 hours a day. it is painted in vivid colors and simplified lines and it illustrates the importance education has in the lives of the Mexicans.

Important Vocabulary for unit 2.1 is found on page 105

Descriptions of time frequency are learned in 2.1-words like nunca, de vez en cuando, a menudo, siempre, and todos los dias is shared. Time indicators are typically placed the same place in Spanish as in English. For example:

I never drink coffee Yo nunca tomo el cafe

Maria always studies for tests Maria siempre estudia para los examenes

We practiced volleyball everyday Nosotros practicamos volibol todos los dias

Important grammar: The conjugation of the verb Tener (page 91)

The conjugation of ----ar verbs like hablar, tomar, and practicar (page 96)

Students did 2.1-ar verbs fill in the blanks-version #2-turned in for class credit (worksheet is attached to website)

The last 2 weeks we have been working with the telehistorias from 2.1. Those videos scenes can be read on pages 89, 94, and 99. Students will have a quiz on the telehistorias 2.1 but not until late next week at the earliest.

Students can do some practice activities to check for understanding. Activity 12 would be a good practice activity. If done correctly, the answers would be:









Students would do well to try to translate the paragraph in activity 12. If done correctly, it would read:

We ride bikes after class. Amy and Rosa practice sports and I play the guitar. My frind Edward doesn't like to rest. He studies English or draws for his art class. He is very artistic. If it rains, we listen to music in the cafe or rent a DVD. Where do you spend time with your friends?

Lastly, students should understand how to tell time. This is briefly explained on page 90. To tell time, students need to understand that if the minute hand is between 12 and 6, or the first 30 minutes of the hour, we use that hour + y + the minutes. For example: 3:17 would be son las tres + y + diecisiete, or son las tres y diecisiete.

if the minute hand is between the 6 and the 12, the second half of the hour, we use the next hour - minus the minutes. For example: 3:47 would be 4-13 minutes or son las cuatro menos trece.