
Post date: Oct 09, 2017 5:59:50 PM

Today's agenda:

    • Students continue to work on learning all the adjectives on page 75. We are working on being able to see it in Spanish and say in English, and see it in English and say it in Spanish.

    • Students are learning how to use the verb SER + adjective. Ser is explained on page 51. Ser + adjective is a complex concept, as the adjectives are constantly changing to describe the pronoun or the noun they are describing. In other words, adjectives in Spanish, unlike English, are always changing to modify the pronoun or noun they describe. For example:

Yo soy alto I am tall (boy speaking)

Yo soy alta I am tall (girl speaking)

Los chicos son altos The boys are tall.

Las chicas son altas The girls are tall.

Last Thursday, Friday, and today we played the dice game which allows us to work extensively with pronoun + the verb SER + adjective

The board looked like this:

1) yo 2) artistico

2) tu 3) atletico

3) Maria 4) estudioso

4) usted 5) organizado

5) ustedes 6) timido

6) Nosotros 7) alto

8) pelirrojo

9) comico

10) rubio

11) simpatico

12) viejo

Using the dice, and rolling twice for pronoun and adjective, the sentences end up like this:

Rolling a:

2 and a 7 Tu eres alta

3 and a 8 Maria es pelirroja

1 and 5 Yo soy organizado/organizada (depending on your gender)

5 and 12 Ustedes son viejos

6 and 3 Nosotros somos atleticos.

We will continue to work on this concept, but this concept is learned much better when the student is in class doing the activities.

    • Students watched Telehistoria escena 1 on page 59. We watch it 3 times with and without subtitles. The reason we watch it 3 times is to hear the Spanish speakers multiple times. Students who are absent should read the telehistoria on page 54 and try to make sense of what is being said.

    • Lastly, I had the students write a mini-paragraph statement about themselves. They had to mention their name, 3 things they are, 2 things they are not, 1 thing the like to do, and 1 thing they don't like to do. For example;

Me llamo Mark

Yo soy atletico, feliz, y de estatura mediana.

Yo no soy perezoso. Yo no soy pelirrojo.

Me gusta jugar al basquetbol.

No me gusta estudiar la ciencia.