11/5/15 and 11/6/15

Post date: Nov 05, 2015 7:44:32 PM

Today and tomorrow’s class agenda:

· Students took unit 2 lesson 1-version #2 quiz today

· The students worked on the verb Ir (to go) and tener que (to have to…) by piecing together information provided to them.

1) El chico

2) Las chicas


4) Yo

5) Ustedes

6) Nosotros

2) ir al baño/tener que lavar las manos

3) ir al estadio/tener que mirar el fútbol

4) ir a la escuela/tener que aprender

5) ir a la clase de ciencia/tener que hacer los experimentos

6) ir a la oficina/tener que hablar con la directora

7) ir al gimnasio/tener que practicar el volibol

8) ir a la cafetería/tener que comer el almuerzo

9) ir a la biblioteca/tener que tomar apuntes para el examen

10) ir a la clase de matemáticas/tener que practicar el cálculo

11) ir al cuarto de pesas/ tener que levantar pesas

12) ir al autobús escolar/tener que llegar a la escuela a las ocho

Playing the “dots” game with the dice students were taught how to use the verbs ir and tener que together with the connecting word porque (because) to create complete thoughts. So, if a student rolled a 6, 6 their sentence would read:

Nosotros vamos a la oficina porque tenemos que hablar con la directora.

We are going to the office because we have to speak with the principal.

To do this successfully students need to remember the conjugation of ir:

Yo voy

Tú vas

El, ella, usted va

Ellos, ellas, ustedes van

Nosotros vamos

And the conjugation of tener que:

Yo tengo que

Tú tienes que

El, ella, usted tiene

Ellos, ellas, ustedes tienen

Nosotros tenemos

After playing the dice game, and as a written class assignment, the students used the above numbers and information to write a complete sentence for the following

Number combinations:

1) 1 and 4

2) 2 and 6

3) 3 and 8

4) 4 and 9

5) 5 and 10

6) 6 and 12

7) 1 and 5

8) 2 and 7

9) 4 and 2

10) 6 and 3

Upon completion this assignment was turned in for graded credit.

· The students worked on the verb Estar (page 115) today. This verb means to be and is used for 2 reasons:

a) Temporary feelings and emotions

b) Location of people, places, and things

· The conjugation of Estar is:

Yo estoy Nosotros estamos

Tú estás

El, Ella, Usted está Ellos, ellas, ustedes están

One use of the verb estar is to express how a person is feeling (temporary). To discuss feelings, or temporary emotions, an adjective is required. Unit 2 expects the students to learn these adjectives:

Cansado tired

Content happy

Deprimido depressed

Emocionado excited

Enojado angry

Nervioso nervous

Ocupado busy

Tranquilo calm

Triste sad

I explained to the students that because these words are adjectives, they are constantly changing depending on the pronoun they are describing. For example:

Yo estoy cansado (male), estoy cansada (female)

Las chicas están cansadas

Nosotros estamos cansados

The second use of the verb estar is to express the location of a person, a place, or a thing. In unit 2 we are focusing on being in or at locations in the school. Some of the more important places at the school the students need to know are:

El baño the bathroom

El estadio the stadium

La escuela the school

La clase the classroom

La oficina the office

El gimnasio the gym

La cafetería the cafeteria

La biblioteca the library

Yo estoy en el baño

Nosotros estamos en la clase

Los estudiantes están en la cafetería

To practice the use of estar today we created two tic tac toe boards. One with feelings and emotions and one with school locations.

The feelings and emotions board contained this information:

Estar cansado

Estar emocionado

Estar nervioso

Estar tranquilo

Estar content

Estar enojado

Estar ocupado

Estar tranquilo

Estar triste

The school locations board contained this information:

Estar en el estadio

Estar en la escuela

Estar en la oficina

Estar en el gimnasio

Estar en la cafetería

Estar en la biblioteca

Estar en el cuarto de pesas

Estar en el baño

Estar en la clase de español