
Post date: Nov 30, 2015 11:24:9 PM

today's agenda:

  • working with the vocabulary from Unit 3 lesson 1 breakfast, lunch, fruits and meals. Students are expected to know the food vocabulary from page 159. In class we wrote the vocabulary out in Spanish, wrote the English meaning, and then we practiced Spanish to English and English to Spanish.

  • working with the verb gustar + foods/drinks. Students can refer to page 145 to see how gustar works with foods and drinks. We did a couple of activities with gustar + Foods/drinks, but in a nutshell the students should be able to look at the information below and create complete sentences using the information provided.

1) yo 1) la sopa

2) tu 2) las frutas

3) el chico 3) el cereal

4) nosotros 4) las hamburguesas con queso

5) ellas 5) el jugo de naranja

Using the information above, you should be able to create a complete sentence for the following number combinations:

1 and 5

2 and 4

3 and 3

4 and 2

5 and 1

The sentences should read:

1 and 5 a mi me gusta el juguo de naranja.

2 and 4 a ti te gustan las hamburguesas con queso.

3 and 3 al chico le gusta el cereal.

4 and 2 a nosotros nos gustan las frutas.

5 and 1 a ellas les gusta la sopa.

You are welcome to come in at lunchtime for more practice with this concept. Tomorrow we will actually work on some worksheets that will permit more writing.