
Post date: Aug 21, 2019 10:34:23 PM

Today's agenda:

Today students continued to work on the numbers 0-99 (refer to Monday and Tuesday assignments in the website). Students spent 5 minutes rolling 2 dice and using the face value of the two dice they multiplied the numbers together to practice numbers. For example, rolling 2 dice twice in a row, a student might have rolled a 7 and a 9. These 2 numbers were then multiplied to get 63. So it would go like this. Roll a 7, and say "siete, roll a 9 and say "nueve", now say "siete por nueve son sesenta y tres" (7 x 9 = 63). Students have been encouraged to go home and practice the numbers using 2 dice.

Today students continued to work on greetings. Today we recycled some old information and added some new. The dialogue went like this:

          • Hola. Me llamo Marcos. Como te llamas?

          • Me llamo Miguel.

          • Yo soy de Indiana. De donde eres tu?

          • Yo soy de California.

          • Encantado/a

          • Igualmente

          • Adios

          • Adios

Using students real names and real place of origin students created mini dialogues. An example of Analiese from Cheyenne, Wyoming and Rebekah from Portland, Oregon would sound like this.

    • Hola. Me llamo Analiese. Como te llamas?

    • Me llamo Rebekah.

    • Yo soy de Cheyenne, Wyoming.

    • De donde eres tu?

    • Yo soy de Portland, Oregon.

    • Encantada.

    • Igualmente

    • Adios

    • Adiosth

Lastly, students worked on the question, "Como estas tu/como esta usted (how are you)? I explained how someone could respond with estoy....bien, mas o menos, o mal, depending on how their day is going. Students were taught the importance of using como esta usted to the elderly and to those you speak to on a last name basis. Como estas tu is used with people you talk to on a first name basis. We will contimue all 3 of these concepts tomorrow in class.