10/20/15 and 10/21/15

Post date: Oct 21, 2015 5:2:55 PM

Today and tomorrow's agenda:

    • for starters, we watched a power point that shared some of the key vocabulary from Unit 2, Lesson 1.

    • next, the students received a worksheet that has 20+ action verbs they are required to know. On the worksheet, the students are required to write the English meaning below the corresponding Spanish equivalent, and then write the Spanish meaning below the English equivalent. The students spent some time in class working in pairs practicing the vocabulary-first Spanish to English and then English to Spanish.

    • Next, the students worked on knowing how to express how often they do each of the action verbs they had just studied. Page 93 of the Avancemos 1 textbook shares some adverbs of frequency, and so does the worksheet that they used to practice. On the east wall (front of class) in my classroom, there are several word placards that express in both English and Spanish the adverbs of frequency. They are; nunca, rara vez, a veces, de vez en cuando, a menudo, frecuentemente, todos los dias, and siempre. The students were encouraged to take a picture of the wall/placards so they can practice them at home. Once the students were somewhat comfortable with the adverbs of frequency, they were given a worksheet with 40 sentences of action verbs and they were asked to write the adverb of frequency that describes how often they do that particular action verb. In pairs, and alternating, we shared the information with our companero de clase. The students were instructed to share the information in the "I" form. This can be studied and learned on page 96 of the textbook in the grammar explanation of Present Tense of AR verbs

    • Next the students played tic tac toe. This was to work on class subjects, the verb tener (to have), and time. The students should be able to take the following information Hector/government/11:50 and create the phrase-Hector tiene una clase de gobierno a las doce menos deiz.

    • We have spent much time on how to express that one has something by using the verb tener. Our last activity in class we discussed how to say one has to do something by using the verb tener followed by que to express that one has to do something. For example: Mark has a science class and he has to study a lot. Marcos tiene una clase de ciencia y el tiene que estudiar mucho. This grammatical concept can be seen on page 91 in the Avancemos 1 workbook. Students were given a worksheet to do in class and it was turned in for credit. I can't find the worksheet in my computer files so students will need to ask me for the worksheet in the event they have missed class.