1/29/19 and 1/30/19

Post date: Jan 30, 2019 3:47:40 PM

today's agenda:

  • Students started unit 4.1 today. This unit works with clothing, colors, and e to ie stem changing verbs. Students received a "clothing picture" cheat chart along with a clothing matching worksheet. These 2 papers will be a guide for students to study and learn their clothing in Spanish (both papers are attached to website).

  • the students learned their colors today (page 213). We discussed that colors, as adjectives, are subject to changing. For example:

the red shirt La camisa roja

the red belt El cinturon rojo

the red pants Los pantalones rojos

the red jackets Las chaquetas rojas

    • Students did a clothing/color worksheet to get a better understanding of this concept (attached).

To help you understand I will do the 1-3 on the worksheet to get you started:

1) A red dress un vestido rojo

2) A white suit un traje blanco

3) An orange t-shirt una camiseta blanca

    • Students watched 4.1 telehistoria in class 3 times (with Spanish subtitles, English Subtitles, No subtitles). After watching all 3 times, students were given 4.1-activity 3-comprehension of scene 1 worksheet. This was completed in class for class credit (attached to the website)

    • Lastly, students worked on preparing their "te presento a mi familia" presentation. Students will be doing this presentation 1 on 1 with me sometime in the next 2 weeks.

    • Lastly, students should have taken 3 quizzes in the last week. They are:

3.2 Telehistorias quiz

3.2-Unit quiz

3.2-La familia de Tomas Garcia quiz