
Post date: Aug 19, 2019 10:33:3 PM

Today's agenda:

We began the 2019-2020 school year by focusing on three things:

1. The days of the week (los dias de la semana), which are

lunes Monday

martes Tuesday

miercoles Wednesday

jueves Thursday

viernes Friday

sabado Saturday

domingo Domingo

over the next several weeks students will learn to master the days of the week by understanding the phrases:

hoy es...today is hoy es lunes today is Monday

manana sera...tomorrow will be manana sera martes tomorrow will be Tuesday

ayer fue...yesterday was ayer fue domingo yesterday was Sunday

2. the numbers 0-12

0 cero

1 uno

2 dos

3 tres

4 cuatro

5 cinco

6 seis

7 siete

8 ocho

9 nueve

10 diez

11 once

12 doce

To practice students worked in pairs and they rolled dice. If a student rolled a 3 and a 6, they would say "tres", "sies", "nueve". If a student rolled a 1 and a 4, they would say "uno", "cuatro", "cinco".

Students practiced this for about 7 minutes. They were asked to continue to practice the numbers at home for 2-3 minutes using 2 dice.

Students continued to work with numbers by seeing a card with phone numbers and saying the phone number out loud in Spanish. For example, if a student saw a phone number of 752-4183 they would say in Spanish siete, cinco, dos, cuatro, uno ocho, tres. Students practiced with about 40 fictional phone numbers. Students were encouraged to practice more at home by using the contact numbers in their phones and practicing for 2-3 minutes.

3. Lastly, the students worked on greeting a person, telling them their name, asking them what their name was, and learning how to say, "nice to meet you", and "likewise"

the conversations went something like this;

-Hola. Me llamo Mark. Como te llamas? Hello. My name is Mark. What is your name?

-Hola. Me llamo John. Hi. My name is John.

Mucho gusto John. It's a pleasure to meet you, John.

El gusto es mio, Mark. Adios. Likewise, Mark. Goodbye.

Adios, John. Goodbye, John

Students did a walk around activity in which they practiced the above information by carrying on paired conversations with as many people as possible in a 3 minutes period. Students were asked to study and practice the above activity tonight at home for 2-3 minutes.

Tomorrow in class, we will continue to work on all 3 concepts we practiced todayl