9/12/19 and 9/13/19

Post date: Sep 12, 2019 10:14:11 PM

Today's agenda:

  • Students were in review mode getting ready for Monday's unit test. Students will need to understand the following concepts to succeed on the unit test:


The Spanish alphabet and how to spell or be spelled to.

The numbers (1-31), the days of the week, and the months. Students should know how to express what day it is, and the date is using numbers 1-31 and the month. Students should recognize the question, Que dia es hoy? What day is it? Students should recognize the question, Cual es la fecha? What is the date? Students should know the chronological order of the days of the week in Spanish lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves, viernes, sabado, y domingo.

Students should know how to ask someone's name, and should understand that there is an informal and a formal way to ask:

Informal, Como te llamas tu?

formal-Como se llama usted

Students should know that the answer to both questions is Me llamo + name.

Students should know how to ask how someone is doing, and should understand that there is an informal and a formal way to ask:

informal-Como estas tu?

formal-Como esta usted?

Students should know there are 3 ways to respond:

Estoy bien I am well

Estoy asi-asi I am ok, so-so

or estoy mas o menos

Estoy mal I am not well

Students should know how to ask someone where they are from, and should understand that there is an informal and formal way to ask:

informal-De donde eres tu?

formal-De donde es usted?

Students should know there is one way to answer both questions-Yo soy de +your origin

Students should understand the conjugation of the verb ser (to be)

Yo soy I am...

Tu eres You are ...

El es he is...

Ella es she is..

Usted es you polite are...

Ellos son they are...

Ellas son they are...

Ustedes son you all are...

Nosotros somos We are...

Students should know their capitals and countries

Students should know classroom phrases-Students received a worksheet with usefel classroom vocabulary and phrases last week.

  • Lastly, students took the weather unit quiz. Students should continue to review and study the weather because there will be weather section on monday's unit test.