3/6/18 and 3/7/18

Post date: Mar 07, 2018 3:36:5 PM

Today's agenda:

  • I reviewed some cultural information from Unit 4. Students will get the cultural worksheet this Thursday/Friday, but today was just a preview of what you'll see on Thursday/Friday.

  • We watched scene 3 from unit 4.2 telehistorias, and then we watched all 3 scenes back to back to back. The three scenes can be found in the book in unit 4.2.

  • We reviewed the story of Juan Diaz, the camarero. We focused on the verbs sonreir, pedir, and servir, as they are e to i boot verbs

Sonreir-To smile

Sonrio Sonreimos


Sonrie Sonrien

Pedir-To ask for something

Pido Pedimos


Pide Piden

Servir-to serve

Sirvo Servimos


Sirve Sirven

After discussing how to create the boot verbs, and how to correctly conjugate the three verbs, we played tic tac toe as a class using these 6 sentences.

sonreir para las fotos.

pedir el plato principal.

servir la comida a los clientes.

sonreir porque ser feliz.

pedir un refresco para beber.

servir las bebidas a los clientes.

Lastly, students did a paired (partner A and partner B) activity that focuses on the verbs servir and pedir. The answers for paper A is on paper B and the answers for paper B are on paper A.