
Post date: Apr 17, 2018 4:40:34 PM

Today's agenda:

  • Students began to work on chores and obligations today. We received a chores packet. I showed students pictures with Spanish captions. Students then had to do a matching worksheet writing the Spanish chore under the English equivalent, and the English chore under the Spanish equivalent. This worksheet is attached to website.

  • Next each student was instructed to share with his/her classmate how often he/she does each chore. So it sounded like this.....

Yo tengo que cortar el cesped de vez en cuando.

Yo nunca tengo que poner la mesa.

Yo tengo que lavar los platos a menudo


  • Lastly, the students played tic tac toe using the verb tener que + the chores. The students are responsible for knowing the following chores:

Lavar los platos

Wash the dishes

Lavar la ropa

Wash the clothes

cocinar la comida

cook the food

cuidar las plantas y las flores

to take of the plants and flowers

barrer el suelo

sweep the floor

limpiar el suelo

mop the floor

comprar los comestibles

buy the groceries

pasar la aspiradora

vacuum the floor

planchar la ropa

iron the clothes

lavar el coche

wash the car

sacar la basura

take out the trash

poner la mesa

set the table

hacer la cama

make the bed

cuidar a los ninos

take care of the kids

dar de comer al perro

feed the dog

dar de comer a los ninos

feed the kids

limpiar la casa

clean the house

cortar el cesped

cut the grass

  • So, using the verb tener que + a chore the students played tic tac toe. Game would have sounded like this, "Hector tiene que cortar el cesped". Nosotros tenemos que sacar la basura etc. If students were absent, please see me so I can get you the packet and help you to understand what we are trying to accomplish in unit 5.2 and chores.