Monday 8/27/18

Post date: Aug 27, 2018 7:35:2 PM

Daily Agenda:

  • We are still working on numbers 0-99. Students played tic tac toe with phone numbers. Students should be studying the numbers at home by practicing their contact phone numbers. I have attached the numbers "cheat chart" so students can refer to them while practicing their numbers. So, if a students was trying to say the following phone number it could be said one of two ways:

246-9753-dos, cuatro, seis-nueve, siete, cinco, tres. Or dos, cuatro, seis-noventa siete, cincuenta y tres. Students are encouraged to spend 3-5 minutes practicing phone numbers from their cell phone contacts.

  • Today we worked on a formal conversation between two people. We are doing this so that students can see the difference between the "tu" and the "usted" greetings. Today's greetings went like this:

Hola. Me llamo senor Trotter. Como se llama usted?

Hola. Me llamo senor Cruz.

Yo soy de Indiana, senor Cruz. De donde es usted?

Yo soy de New Mexico, senor Trotter.

Encantado, senor Cruz.

Igualmente, senor Trotter.


Hasta Luego.

Students are encouraged to practice this above dialogue by substitution names from their contacts into the 2 man dialogue.

  • Lastly, we worked on learning the alphabet and how to spell in Spanish in today in class. We practiced in pairs and as a whole class how to spell names. A spanish alphabet "cheat-chart" has been attached to the website for students to practice their spelling. Students are encouraged to practice 3-5 minutes at home using names from their contacts.