1/18/18 and 1/19/18

Post date: Jan 18, 2018 9:23:19 PM

today's agenda:

  • We reviewed the interrogatives 20 questions worksheet.

  • We reviewed the vocabulary from La familia de Tomas Garcia, we reviewed each character's relationship with all the other characters in the story.

  • We watched scene 3 from 3.2 telehistorias (page 177).

  • We discussed the concept of more than, less than, and the same as (comparitives-page 174) Working from the attached worksheet, students stated their opinion about various comparitives-turned in this paper for credit.

    • We did the 3.2 culture worksheet. Study this because some of this will be on the 3.2 quiz.

  • Next week, Tuesday and Wednesday, we will have quizzes on Tomas Garcia, Unit 3.2, and oral interrogatives quiz. There are 2 oral assessments next week. The interrogatives quiz, students must be able to answer questions with little to no pause in their response. For example, if I ask the student, "como se llama tu madre"? They need to be able to respond quickly with the answer, "mi madre se llama Jackie". Also we will be having an oral assessment on the 10 characters from "la familia de Tomas". Students willl be handed a card with different characters and they must tell me everything we know about that character. For example, if I hand them the card of Gloria, they must be able to say "Gloria es la hija de Felipe y Josefina, la nieta de Juan Carlos y Maria Catarina, la sobrina de Marcos y Elena, y la prima de Tomas, Susana, y Carlos.

Una Coca-cola/una Pepsi Cola/deliciosa

Modelo: En mi opinión una Coca-Cola es menos deliciosa que una Pepsi Cola.

1) Un jugador de basquetbol/ un jugador de futbol americano/atlético

Un jugador de básquetbol es más atlético que un jugador de fútbol americano

2) Una Pizza/El espagueti/rica

Una pizza es tan rica como el espagueti

3) Una perla/Un diamante/elegante

Una perla es menos elegante que un diamante

4) Una clase de matemáticas/Una clase de ciencia/fácil

5) La natación/el ciclismo/difícil

6) Una rubia/una morena/bonita

7) El señor Trotter/La señora Trotter/inteligente

8) Un policía/Un bombero/valiente

9) Big Bird/Barney/tonto

10) Cepillarse los dientes/ponerse el desodorante/importante

11) Una tía/una abuela/amistosa

12) El boxeo/el motociclismo/peligroso (dangerous)

13) una naranja/una manzana/rica