8/29/17 and 8/30/17

Post date: Aug 29, 2017 6:32:51 PM

today's agenda

    • We continue to learn the days of the week-lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves, viernes, sabado, domingo.

    • We continue to study the capitals and countries of the 21 Spanish speaking countries.

    • We worked extensively today on how to ask and answer two questions today. 1) Como te llamas? 2) De donde eres tu? What's your name and where are you from? I taught the students how to answer both questions. 1) Me llamo.....2) Yo soy de Richmond, Indiana. Once the students understood how to ask and answer the above 2 questions, each student received a card with a name and a country of origin. At this point I dialogue would ensue:





So the dialogue would sound like this:

Me llamo Marcos. Yo soy de Mexico. Como te llamas?

Me llamo Susana.

De donde eres tu, Susana?

Yo soy de Espana.

Encantado, Susana.

Igualmente, Marcos.

Adios, Susana.

Hasta luego, Marcos.

Students spent 10 minutes having this exchange with as many students as possible in a 10 minute walk around scenario. Students should be practicing this dialogue at home by inserting names and place of origin for each dialogue.

We continued to reinforce our understanding of the above dialogue by playing tic tac toe. On the board, I had drawn up a tic tac toe grid. So, in the 9 boxes, students saw the following information; Emma/Espana, Luis/Mexico, Susana/Panama, Jose/Costa Rica, Diana/Cuba, Eduardo/Honduras, Maria/Peru, Yolanda/Puerto Rico, and Hector/Chile. Students used the above dialogue for each box to practice the Me llamo....yo soy de...concept. This is a good activity because it works on answering two questions and practicing capitals and countries at the same time.

So, for the Emma/Espana practice, it would sound like this...

Me llamo Emma. Yo soy de Madrid, Espana.

Lastly, we worked on the alphabet. Students received an alphabet/sound packet. We listened to a practice tape from page 10, learned how to say the letters of the alphabet, and then we practiced spelling by using the pictures on page 10 and spelling each item in the picture for that letter. Here are a couple of examples:





B-be (sounds like-bay)




C-ce (sounds like say)


ce-ee (like the ee in bee)-ene-eh


Students should be practicing the alphabet and spelling the all the words on page 10 at home.