AKINO - Kouya no Heath

Kouya no Heath

English Translations

A destined miracle was meant to happen on the day when we both met

What were your eyes were looking at? those beautiful clear eyes of yours

Only both of us were allowed to enter a certain world that I was really certain of it

that everything is just about to begin right about now.

Whom art thou, that wishes to tell you,

I was created into this world just to be with you

Through all of the slicing rough winds that will leave a scar in your heart

Not losing even a single one of it,

  gradually it will change the very essence of your soft voice

Always, just right next to you, that I have always loved you

Without any form of doubts, just only with the feelings of love,

that eventually leaves nothing behind,

when both of us alone are able to soar our wings freely into the future

While opening your eyes a little bit?

even as holding onto your tears and it starts raining heavily again ~ T_T *in tears*

Even if you start to be missing again;

I will still search for your little body (Whisper: I will still find you)

  Separated beautifully like a flower petal, the wishes to eventually find your body

That the only reason behind all of my love life and travels! Always!!

I wished only to be with you (looking for you)

not knowing on when it will really happen (In which I start to feel something)

On when the given time is being granted

Together hand in hand, and we are finally flying into the future!

I met a miracle on the first time we have met

Lost within these hands, were a strength that have kept us both together

A destined miracle was meant to happen on the day when we both met

Even for the next day, or even in the future,

What really-really matters is that I only wanted to be in love with you!