Miki Imai - Lupine Love Theme

Inori Album

(English Translation)

The kind winds were gently blowing my gentle hair,

I just cant help myself waking up from my deep sleep..

Love that was melting in the heart, it feels like not being able to sleep soundlessly

One day from today, being cast away not by that future of yours

That this body will one day show its true damaged self

Just like yesterday's tomorrow, ..

Love is still melting in the heart, just keep on dreaming my dear love..

The night's dreams, are just simply, simple dreams

while gently sleeping soundlessly on your sofa bed

Love will gently melt, in the dreams of a dreamer..

Sadness will, and tears fall, asking of where are you are right now

This unrested feelings reluctantly keeps asking me, of what is of tomorrow's story

Love melting in this heart, just lingering in one's dream..


Yoru, meaning by night mistakenly taking it for morning.

Side notes: This lyric translation based only on 80% accuracy, any more accurate than that, I will not understand it.