
Lyrics by Maaya SakamotoKoe - Voice - 声
English TranslationHave you seen <my dear bethren> of our thirsty looking friend whom have wanders from a very far distanceIt was a sight of imparity on the heighten plains where everything suppose to sheer of equalityThe heighten daylight on a brief morningThe emerging sunlight rose right infront of youand the fear of darkness that kept sinking inOnly to tell you (and your heart) to keep pursuing the warmth (happiness)Everyone is aiming to gather around the fountain < oh my brethren >Like the stars that shines (above us) and guiding usThe pouring rainfall that drops (from the skies) disappears into the earth and return into the seathat was the proof that every living creature (higher/lower levels) is connected to one anotherShivering under the breezing blissful rainfallYour tearful eyes, your looks - are all whispering you only but one thingof when that particular time comes, you must stand and fight (for your own self)A prideful, heighten and bliss voice < calling forth >seen through from the eyes of the fallen onesfully understanding the pain of living < oh my brethren >reaching back to a place where all the stars began to gatherseven when only one true love is left existing within me
RomajiMieru ka tomo yo kawaki ni tae te aruku mure ga chijō no inochi subete ga byōdō na no ka hi o tomose yoru wa chikai hikari o tayasu nakowa re wa yami o sodateru honoo o tada mitsume te izumi o mezasu mono < waga tomo yo >hoshi no michibiki ga ari masu yō ni  akane sasu kawa daichi o meguri umi e sosogu arayuru mono wa kakawari ataeau noshukufuku o megumi no ame namida mo sugata o kae te sono mi e to kaerusono toki made tatakaehokori taka ki koe < tonaeyo u >ogori naki hitomi iki te iku itami o shiru mono ni < waga tomo yo > hoshi-hoshi no michibiki ga todoki masu yō ni shin ai to tomoni 
My personal note:For her knowledge, most eastern books have this kind of stories, because most of them live in the desert, their lives are much harder than we whom lives near the green forest plains. Thank you, for the nice song, Maaya Onnechan.
Story Mode (Part 1) / (Part 2)The Second AwakeningNote: This is what I first seen, in my visions which is usually in a story form.
Upon reaching the other side of the heavenly fabrics wall, the twin heart system decided to fail. I fell on the ground, on a green slope in a warm forest garden. It has a nostalgic scent to it, as I was breathing my last breath of air. This was the second time I felt death, but merely because my heart has failed, there was not much pain in it.My soul left my body, as I could see it lying down. I look back at it, a human body resting there all alone, I decided to sit next to my body and look at it in silence. “Poor me..” I said sadly, wondering why I had to go all through this trouble to get this body here. The heart part of my body has been machinized, to fit in a compact twin-heart system. But I guessed its time that the twin-engine system died.Everything happen because of fate, “innalillahwainllahirajiun”. “Everything that comes, will eventually return back to Him.” I said in a monotone, I know my body could not hear me anymore. Its a pity, but that’s how it ends.Soon after I fell asleep, though I rarely wonder how souls can rest asleep.. My soul went away somewhere, and my body was left all alone, rotting there as the grass was trying to eat my skin for nutrients. In the plains I was in, and in the place where I sort of ‘crash landed’ was actually a pathway where once in a while, a group of pious people whom wear in white often travel.Most of them are wise old men, all walking in a straight line to a certain place far ahead. The eldest saw my body, and called the others to take a look. The funny thing was, my soul decided to take rest inside the dead body, it seems not knowing where to go except to be just there. So when the old men were talking to each other, I think I could understand what they are talking about.. It goes like this..Old man : “What a rather unusual human being here.. And its dead.”Old man 2: “Yes.. Yes you are right, *check my body for a pulse* He is dead.”Old man 3: “Dead as a rock.”Old man 4: “He does look good, don't you think?”Old man : “Enough of the chatters, what shall we do with this young lad?”Old man 3: “Hmm… (he goes on and on saying this for quite some time)”Old man 2: “Shall we try to revive him?”Old man 4: “You mean, over there, at ‘that’ place?”Old man : “Yes.. Now I remember, yes at ‘that’ place..”Old man : “You (as he called one of their servants) come pick up this young man, and bring him along with us..”They soon pick up my body and placed on a shoulder stretcher, another person were needed to put their shoulders on it, so they called another one of their servants.We then walked walk for miles, I could vaguely see what is going on through my soul’s visions. It feels so drowsy that I was unsure if this was all a dream.Soon after, they have reached an ancient place, and the old man told the servant to place me on an altar. They said to each other, they need to do their prayers before the altar could work. It has a certain mechanism that drops a single water dew, that could revive almost anything, when proven worthy. I was far off in another dream when all this was happening..In the dream where I met the princess..It was a good dream, I though, so vivid and so real..The old man then read their prayers for an hour or so.. I could not understand the language they used, its far too advanced for me to understand. But I’m sure we are all praying to the same one creator, because no creature in this plains could ever enter here without knowing that. Just perhaps our methods are different, since creatures from different dimensions all comes altogether in one same location.Soon after they have prayed, a drop of water dew fall from the mechanism that was above the stone altar. The water dew, drops exactly on my heart. But nothing happen, the old men then start talking to themselves, wondering why it did not work. Then they said to each other, “Oh well, we have to go now.. There is nothing more that we can do for this young lad.”Everyone then left, except for one of their granddaughter, she was the far left behind the flock and wandering all alone. Somehow she has taken a liking to me, playing around me, teasing me a little. I was just laying there, like a rock. She said something, “Hmm.. I somehow recognize this face of yours..” She then placed some heavenly earth on my heart, and stuff it in there. Amazing.Then she went to pick up some flowers and placed it on my heart, then she said “There, done. It looks perfect now.” My body conscious just felt like laughing when how she sees the world so differently. A pulse suddenly was felt. “Was it a pulse of love?”, I pondered.She shortly left me, and I had no visitors for a few months, day and night comes and goes. I witness the most beautiful of skies above me, let alone gazing to the stars.In a particular morning, I heard a familiar lullaby from a familiar voice. It was her again, just this time she was carrying a device with her. She then said, “Look mister, look what Nena bought for you. A new heart. Sir Angelous was kind enough to give his heart to you, as your heart is broken, you should be thankful of him.” She then continued, “He said, he had an extra heart in him, and he was not sure what to do with it until he has heard the story about you from me, you should be thankful to Nena.” Then she pulled out the flowers and place them all back to where she plucked them nearby the stone altar. She then pulled out the old twin heart system engines, and placed in an Angel’s heart in the same place. “Ha, I was right, it actually fits perfectly!” she said out aloud in happiness.My body, even with the new heart in place and nothing did happen. As if it looks like my body has given up all hope from a perspective. Nena then tried to fix some of the broken gears with her quick hands, she was so talented yet so naive at the same time. A ‘click’ sound then was heard, probably it meant that her fix was successful. She then prayed, closing her eyes, and she did not even notice that her body was shining and glowing of light when she was praying. I could see it clearly with my abstract visions, it was nothing of the comparison with the old men. It must be her honest heart which intensify her prayers.Another dew drops, but this time.. It suddenly rain pouring on me and to Nena, flooding my mouth, stomach, heart and my whole body with the heavenly rainwater. Little that I knew, the water in that plains were the same as the water dew on the machine. It seems the Creator took Nena’s wish and made sure that her wish gone through. It was raining so heavily, like a storm with thunder, strong winds and a tornado like clouds above me.. It was an ever fleeting sight. The elders in a distance place saw what was going on, and felt worried a little. It almost never rain in this part of the plains, because there was no need for it.And.. Nena was happily playing in the rain somewhere in a distance.. Carefree Nena she was..The new heart system then activates itself, when a certain lightning conveniently strikes the the tip point of the Angel’s heart. It was a new element, composite of pure water, light, electric and earth. Nena didn’t know what she has awaken.My body awaken, my soul was reunited, awaken from my deep slumber, from my dreams. The second awakening, in a new body. Everything has changed, as I was half human, half machine and powered by an Angel’s heart (or half of it as well).I stood up in the rain, and shouted so loudly to the skies above me. Clearing the skies off it’s darkness. Clearing the storms.It feels so good to feel alive again.I ceased to touch the lands while standing up, floating off the ground. I can see some Angels were nearby me, observing but were doing nothing.The old men were also looking at me, as if they are looking at an experiment of some sort.I noticed Nena, was also looking at me and never blink her eyes.Having the Angel’s heart, or half of it enables me to understand the whole Universe networking systems in under a second. Their capabilities is superb, extraordinary, fitting to be the creatures under direct command of the Creator.It feels like I know what to do next. I went to Nena, and hold some of the earth, and reconstruct parts of my body which was mechanized back to my original flesh, only now the Angel’s heart, or half of it was perfectly mixed with my human body, just the blood cells were replaced with light cells instead. The processing capabilities is way higher than before. I could do spontaneous movement in two different distant locations under a second. Yet, this body knows the weight and responsibility it was given to it.Such abilities, was never given to those whom are not worthy. Only to those whom are willing to do good, for nothing in return.Nena, was not a child when I had my first glance at her. She was a grown adult, but her heart is like a child. I thank her for her help, and I owed to her my gratitude.Nena then said, “Hey, put on some clothes.. You are making me embarrass, grandfather is here..” While pushing my back shyly. “I’m sorry my dear, as you wished..” As I imagined it to be, for the clothes it becomes.. That covers my body.