
私へ (Watashi-e)
> A message to myself
> written by  坂本真綾

Translation & Interpretations arranged by Mumu Alpaka

傘を忘れてきたと気づいて 振り返った駅のホーム急ぐ人の流れに押されて 立ち止まることもできないI suddenly realized that I had forgotten my umbrella, and I tried to look back at the platform of the train stationbut I can't stop because of the flow of people that are in a hurry
あのね 私最近落ち込んでる だれも気づかないけどひとりになると心の声が少しずつ大きくなるWell, I'm feeling more and more depressed lately, but no one really notices itWhenever that I'm all alone, my inner heart's voice continues to grow louder
がんばらなくちゃ 強くならなきゃそう思うほど泣きたくなるんだこんな自分を懐かしいと言える時がくるよね"I have to do my best, I have to be strong"but at the same time, I want to cry so muchI wonder will there be a time when you can say that you miss yourself like this later?
同じような服ばかり選んで 似合う色を決めつけてるみんなと違ってると不安で 私らしいってなんだろうI choose only similar clothes and decide on a color that suits meI'm worried that if I tried to be different from everyone, they might think something is wrong with me?
あのね 好きな人にも ともだちにも 見せない自分がいるいつかすべてをさらけ出せたら 世界は広がるかなWell, I don't even show my true self to my favorite person or even to my close friendsIf I expose everything that I kept within me someday, I wonder if the current world I live with will expand further?
届いてますか そこにいますか手紙を書く 未来の私へすてきな人になっていると信じててもいいよねHave you received it? Are you still there (listening to me)?Please help write for me, a letter for my future selfAnd it is okay to believe in yourself, that you will be a nice person in the future
ひまわりが月を見上げてる 短い夏を愛おしむように明日どんな天気でも きっと喜んで咲くだろうSunflowers are looking up at the full moon, so that you can continue to love during the short summer's eveI'm sure it will bloom happily in any weather tomorrow
がんばらなくちゃ 強くならなきゃそう思うほど泣きたくなるんだこんな自分を懐かしいと言える時がくるよね"I have to do my very best, I have to be much stronger"but at the same time, I want to cry so muchI wonder will there be a time when you can say that you miss your old self like this later?
どうしてますか 覚えてますか手紙を書く 未来の私へすてきなひとになっていると信じててもいいよねHow are you today? Do you still remember of me?Please remember to write a letter for me in the futureContinue to believe that you are that same nice person, that you already are