Kotoshi Ichiban

今年いちばんKotoshi ichiban
Translations by Mumu Alpaka +GPT  (27 July 2024)

歩こう 長い夜の ほんの短い夢あつい缶コーヒー買って君がかまわないならLet's walk through the long night, an ever fleeting dreamBuying hot canned coffee just to keep warmIf you don't mind, let's take our sweet time (in our dreadfully long walk back home)
表通りは明るすぎるひとりぼっちよりも ふたりって 寂しいよねThe main street lights are too freaking bright and bustling my eyesJust being with someone (that is not for us) feels much lonelier than being alone, sometimes
遅すぎたの 早すぎたのなぜ今ごろ君は現れたの闇にまぎれ 街灯の灯をよけて夢覚めるまでWas I too late? Was it that you came too early?Why did you have to appear now, in my life?While we blend / hide in the darkness, purposely avoiding all the shimmering streetlightsUntil the ever fleeting dream slowly fades away, ending
青いイルミネーション まるで冬のホタル今年いちばん寒い夜 僕のとなりに となりに君Blue illuminations lights, like watching over winter firefliesOn the coldest night of the year, you were all there by my side, just there standing right by my side
戸惑ってる 本当はもう君と出会う前の自分には戻れそうにないI was totally and ultterly confused, truly confusedI can't seem to go back to who I was, before / after ever meeting you *
遅すぎたの 早すぎたのなぜ今ごろ君は現れたの踊るように はしゃぐふたつの影には名前もないWas I too late? Was it that you came too early?Why did you have to appear now, right in my life?Our two shadows froliclly with each other, as if they were dancingNameless yet significant
駅まで送ってくよ歩こう 短い夢I'll walk you to the stationLet's walk through and cherish this brief dream

The lyrics depict a poignant night walk with a loved one, reflecting on the timing of their encounter. 

Despite the cold and loneliness, their shared moments bring warmth and significance, making them realize they can't return to their old selves before meeting each other.

Translator's (Mumu) Author's Comments:
"It's the ' what if ' moments that our beloved crush decides to crash alongside with our current lives.. "
The two phrases convey similar sentiments but with subtle differences:
  1. "I can't seem to go back to who I was before meeting you."
    • This implies that meeting the person has changed you significantly, and returning to your former self is impossible.
  2. "I can't seem to go back to who I was, after ever meeting you."
    • This emphasizes that the act of meeting the person has permanently altered you, with a slight emphasis on the enduring impact ("ever meeting you").
Both express the idea of irreversible change due to meeting someone, but the second phrase adds a bit more emphasis on the lasting nature of the encounter.