
install lazarus

if not find library

then sudo apt-get install fpc

then run program at environment rescan fpc

การ edit .xpi for firefox plugin silverlight but it still not work on 10.04

    • Download the plugin according to your architecture - 32bit or 64bit

    • Save the .xpi file into an empty folder.

    • Change the file extension to zip if necessary

    • Right-click the .xpi file and choose Extract

    • In the extracted files, open the file install.rdf into your favourite text editor

    • find the area in the file shown - change the maxVersion from 4.0.* to 99.0.* and save (N.B. picture shows 9 - this value needs to higher than your Firefox version)

    • Delete the folder META-INF

    • Highlight all the files - Right click and choose Compress - save the compressed file in Zip format

    • Rename the file to have a .xpi extension rather than a .zip file extension

    • In firefox you can use the Firefox Addon wrench symbol to install the modified addon - you will be warned about its authenticity which you can ignore. This warning appears because you deleted the authenticity checks folder META-INF previously.

Finally - when Firefox version changes, Firefox will automatically disable the add-on. Use the official Compatibility Reporter to re-enable this modified add-on