python blynk

#!/usr/bin/env python3 # IoT Sensors demo. A config file with the WLAN details # and the Blynk token must be included. Requires the # expansion board, a DS18B20 sensors, a MS5637 barometic # pressure sensor, and a solid state relay which controlls # a light bulb and a BH1750FVI digital light sensor. import config import onewire import BlynkLib import machine from machine import Pin from machine import RTC from machine import I2C from machine import WDT from machine import ADC from network import WLAN from bh1750fvi import BH1750FVI from ms5637 import MS5637 from ws2812 import WS2812 WIFI_SSID = config.ssid WIFI_AUTH = config.auth BLYNK_AUTH = config.token MAIN_TASK_PERIOD = const(50) WDT_TIMEOUT = const(15000) LEDS_MAX_DELAY = const(10) def connect_to_wlan(wlan): # try connecting to wifi until succeeding while True: try: wlan.connect(WIFI_SSID, auth=WIFI_AUTH, timeout=7500) while not wlan.isconnected(): machine.idle() return except OSError: pass class BatteryMonitor: levels = ((4115, 100), (4050, 95), (3990, 90), (3935, 85), (3875, 75), (3825, 70), (3785, 60), (3750, 50), (3700, 40), (3675, 30), (3650, 25), (3600, 20), (3500, 10), (3490, 5), (3400, 3), (3300, 1), (0, 0)) def __init__(self, pin): adc = ADC(bits=12) self.apin = self.values = [0 for i in range(5)] self.volt = 4200 self.chrg = 100 self.idx = 0 def _charge(self): for i in range(len(self.levels)): if self.volt >= self.levels[i][0]: chrg = self.levels[i][1] if chrg < self.chrg: self.chrg = chrg break return self.chrg def read(self): # compensate for the resistors value and tolerance self.values[self.idx] = self.apin() * 117 // 100 self.idx = (self.idx + 1) % len(self.values) if self.idx == 0: # the list is full self.volt = sum(self.values) // len(self.values) return self._charge() else: return None class VirtualSw: def __init__(self, pin): = Pin(pin, Pin.OUT, pull=Pin.PULL_DOWN, value=0) self.vsw_value = 0 self.pin_value = 0 def _shift(self, value): self.pin_value = value def __call__(self, value=None): if value is None: return (self.vsw_value, self.pin_value) else: self._shift(value) def handler(self, value): self.vsw_value = int(value) self._shift(self.vsw_value) class HwSw: SW_MAX_UPDATE_TIME = const(1000) # at least one update every second def __init__(self, blynk, hw_pin, v_pin, period): self.blynk = blynk self.sw = Pin(hw_pin, Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) self.v_pin = v_pin self.value = self.sw() self.period = period self.time = 0 def update(self): self.time = 0 self.blynk.virtual_write(self.v_pin, not self.value) def check(self): value = self.sw() if value != self.value: self.value = value self.update() return not value else: self.time += self.period if self.time > SW_MAX_UPDATE_TIME: self.update() return False class LedShow: ######### BLUE GREEN RED WHITE OFF colors = ((0, 0, 48), (0, 48, 0), (48, 0, 0), (16, 16, 16), (0, 0, 0)) def __init__(self, period, nleds=12): self.nleds = nleds self.period = period self.delay = (LEDS_MAX_DELAY + 1) * period self.time = 0 self.idx = 0 self.chain = WS2812(nleds) self._shift(self.idx) def _shift(self, idx): = [self.colors[idx] if n < (self.nleds - self.nleds // 3) else (0, 0 ,0) for n in range(self.nleds)] def sweep(self): self.time += self.period if self.time >= self.delay: self.time = 0 =[1:] +[0:1] def shift_handler(self, value): if int(value): self.idx = (self.idx + 1) % len(self.colors) self._shift(self.idx) def delay_handler(self, value): self.delay = ((LEDS_MAX_DELAY + 1) - int(value)) * self.period class MainTask: BH1750FVI_ADDR = const(35) MS5637_ADDR = const(118) MAX_LUX_UPDATE_TIME = const(1000) LIGHT_DEBOUNCE_TIME = const(2500) LIGHT_HOLD_TIME = const(250) def __init__(self, blynk, ow_pin, sw1_pin, sw2_pin, relay, email, notify, battery, wdt, nleds, period): self.blynk = blynk self.ds18b20 = onewire.DS18X20(onewire.OneWire(Pin(ow_pin))) i2c = I2C(baudrate=100000, pins=('GP13', 'GP12')) self.bh1750fvi = BH1750FVI(i2c, BH1750FVI_ADDR, period) self.ms5637 = MS5637(i2c, MS5637_ADDR) self.sw1 = HwSw(blynk, sw1_pin, 1, period) # registered on vpin 1 self.sw2 = HwSw(blynk, sw2_pin, 10, period) # registered on vpin 10 self.ledshow = LedShow(period, nleds) # register the ledshow color handler on V2 blynk.add_virtual_pin(2, write=self.ledshow.shift_handler) # register the ledshow delay handler on V9 blynk.add_virtual_pin(9, write=self.ledshow.delay_handler) self.relay = relay = email self.notify = notify self.battery = battery self.wdt = wdt self.period = period self.ds_state = 'CONV' self.lux = 0 self.lux_time = 0 self.ld_time = 0 self.lh_time = 0 self.lux_turn = False self.day_night = '' self.lsw = 0 self.leds_period = period = 0 def run(self): # feed the watchdog self.wdt.feed() if self.ds_state == 'CONV': self.ds18b20.start_convertion(self.ds18b20.roms[0]) self.ds_state = 'READ' elif self.ds_state == 'READ': tmp = self.ds18b20.read_temp_async(self.ds18b20.roms[0]) if tmp != None: self.blynk.virtual_write(3, '{:02d}.{:02d}'.format(tmp // 100, tmp % 100)) self.ds_state = 'CONV' # read the debounced push button 1 state if self.sw1.check(): self.notify.send('You pressed the red button and I know it ;)') # check also push button 2 if self.sw2.check():'[WiPy] IoT Demo', 'You pressed the green button and I know it ;)') # only check the Lux value on every other cycle if self.lux_turn: self.lux_turn = False lux = if self.lux != lux: self.lux = lux self.blynk.virtual_write(8, self.lux) if self.lux > 100: day_night = 'Day' else: day_night = 'Night' if self.day_night != day_night: self.day_night = day_night self.blynk.virtual_write(12, self.day_night) else: self.lux_time += self.period if self.lux_time >= MAX_LUX_UPDATE_TIME: self.lux_time = 0 self.blynk.virtual_write(8, self.lux) self.blynk.virtual_write(12, self.day_night) else: self.lux_turn = True # keep the led show running self.ledshow.sweep() # show the battery charge charge = if charge != None: self.blynk.virtual_write(11, '{} %'.format(charge)) # vpin 11 # run the barometric sensor task bar = if != bar: = bar self.blynk.virtual_write(4, '{}'.format(bar // 100)) # vpin 4 # now some logic to control the light automatically lsw, rly = self.relay() if self.lsw != lsw: # reset the debounce time self.lsw = lsw self.ld_time = 0 if lsw: # is the light switch on? if self.ld_time < LIGHT_DEBOUNCE_TIME: self.ld_time += self.period else: if rly: # if the relay is on if self.lux > 250: self.lh_time += self.period if self.lh_time > LIGHT_HOLD_TIME: self.relay(0) # turn the light off self.ld_time = 0 self.lh_time = 0 else: self.lh_time = 0 else: if self.lux < 220: self.lh_time += self.period if self.lh_time > LIGHT_HOLD_TIME: self.relay(1) # turn the light on self.ld_time = 0 self.lh_time = 0 else: self.lh_time = 0 class Email: def __init__(self, blynk): self.blynk = blynk self.enabled = False = '' def handler(self, value): self.enabled = int(value) def send(self, subject, body, to=None): if self.enabled: if to == None: to =, subject, body) class Notify: def __init__(self, blynk): self.blynk = blynk self.enabled = False def handler(self, value): self.enabled = int(value) def send(self, msg): if self.enabled: self.blynk.notify(msg) wdt = WDT(timeout=WDT_TIMEOUT) wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) connect_to_wlan(wlan) # the WDT will reset if this takes more than WDT_TIMEOUT seconds wdt.feed() # set the current time (mandatory to validate certificates) RTC(datetime=(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, None)) # initialize Blynk with SSL enabled blynk = BlynkLib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH, wdt=False, ssl=True) # register the email handler on V5 email = Email(blynk) blynk.add_virtual_pin(5, write=email.handler) # register the tweet handler on V6 notify = Notify(blynk) blynk.add_virtual_pin(6, write=notify.handler) # register the light switch relay write handler on V7 relay = VirtualSw('GP23') blynk.add_virtual_pin(7, write=relay.handler) # instantiate the battery monitor battery = BatteryMonitor('GP3') # register the sensors task as the user task (uses V3 and V4) s_task = MainTask(blynk, 'GP30', 'GP17', 'GP14', relay, email, notify, battery, wdt, 36, MAIN_TASK_PERIOD) blynk.set_user_task(, MAIN_TASK_PERIOD) # register the terminal REPL on v0 term = blynk.repl(0) os.dupterm(term) while True: wdt.feed() try: # run Blynk except MemoryError: machine.reset() except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) if not wlan.isconnected(): connect_to_wlan(wlan)