
This library supports the Arduino Multi Function Shield - a good device to get started learning sensoring & B4R.

Based on this open source project: (Library version 1.2 has been wrapped)

Multi Function Shield Features (Pin)[Board Info]

    • 4 digit 7-segment LED display module (3641BH) driven by two serial 74HC595’s (Pin Latch 4, Clock 7, Data 8)

    • 4 Red LEDs (Pin 10,11,12,13) [D1-13, D2-12, D3-11,D4-10]

    • 10K potentiometer (Pin A0) [Vr-A0]

    • 3 x push buttons (Pin A1, A2, A3) [S1-A1, S2-A2, S3-A3]

    • Piezo buzzer (Pin 3 digital ON/OFF) [LS1-3]

    • DS18B20 temperature sensor interface (not included) (Pin A4) [U5-18b20-LM35-A4]

    • Infrared receiver interface (Pin 2) [U4-IR-2] Compatible to a 1838B Infrared IR receiver

    • Bluetooth interface (GND, +5v, 0 = tx, 1 = rx) [APC220]

    • Free pins pwm (5, 6, 9, A5) with GND, +5V

    • Serial interface header for connection to serial modules (Bluetooth, wireless interface, voice module, a voice recognition module)

Functionality & Samples

    • The library has functions to support the LED Display, LEDs, Buzzer, Buttons, Temperature Sensor LM35.

    • B4R example programs developed showing usage for the LED Display, LEDs, Buzzer, Buttons, LM35 (Temperature), DS18b20 (Temperature), PotMeter, PulseIn, Sonar HC-SR04. The examples are well documented and cover most functions from the library.

Library Dependencies

rMultiFuncShield depends upon the library TimerOne.


    • Test: I2C (requires SoftI2C Library), InfraRed, Bluetooth APC220, Voice Recognition, MPU6050 motion sensor


20160212 v0.9 - (Post #3) Library documentation updated, Samples reworked.

20160208 v0.8 - (Post #1) Initial version

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          • 104 KB

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          • 22.3 KB

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          • 641