Cream Cheese Brownies

Makes 24 brownies

Brownie Layer

  • 2 boxes of your favorite brownie mix
  • Eggs, water, oil per the box directions

Cream Cheese Layer

  • 2- 8 ounce packages of cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature


Preheat your oven to 325 degrees F and line your 13 x 9 inch pan with parchment paper, overhanging the paper so the brownies can be lifted from the pan when cooled. If you have some binder clips, go ahead and clip them to the sides of the pan to hold the parchment paper away from the batter. You'll be happy you did!

Make the brownie layer by combining all the ingredients in a large bowl. Mix the ingredients by hand, using a wooden spoon. Mix until the ingredients are well combined, stirring about 50 times. Pour all but 1 cup of the mixture into the prepared pan. Set aside the extra brownie mix.

Beat the cream cheese using a hand mixture until it is smooth in texture. Add the sugar and vanilla and beat well. Add the eggs and mix until well combined. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the brownie batter in the pan. Spread evenly. Spoon the extra brownie over the cream cheese mixture in six dollops. Using a skewer or chopstick, draw through the batter back and forth four or five times the long way in the pan and then five or six times across the width of the pan to create a marbled effect.

Place the pan on the center rack of your oven and bake for about 50 minutes or until the brownies start to pull away from the pan and the edges begin to brown slightly. Cool completely. Refrigerate for at least a couple of hours before removing the brownies from the pan. When ready to cut your brownies into serving portions, use the flaps of the parchment paper to lift the brownie from the pan onto a large cutting board. Use a large, sharp knife to cut your brownies into 24 servings, wiping the edge of the knife with a damp cloth between cuts.