* Assemblage Assunder [Cantrip]

Assemblage Assunder [Cantrip]

PP Cost: 1 (2 for non-Sorcerers)

Casting Time: 1 action if below level three. After that a Cantrip can be performed as a free action.

Casting Delay: This cantrip cannot be attempted again for 16 melee rounds, minus one per level.

Arcane Difficulty Rating: 16+ (minus one per level of caster, 21+ for non-sorcerers.)

Corruption Chance: Only on a critical fumble.

Cast Corruption: +1 Chaos Affiliation, +1 aging, -1 SAN. (Triple for non-sorcerers.)

Components: gesture only

Range: 5' per level of the caster.

Area of Effect: 1 single item. Every three full levels of the caster an additional item can be affected.

Duration: instant.

Saving Throw: Will (Has no effect on targets of higher level/HD than caster.)


This cantrip will cause a single item that is not one single peice to fall into it's seperate parts.

Examples would be a weaved basket, rope that is not burned at the ends, armor suit being worn will

fall unfasten and parts fall from wearer, etc... Anything that has it's parts riveted, weilded,

glued or otherwise secured to not come apart is uneffected. Armor may be affected as it is meant to

be taken off, so anything with parts that can be unsecured can be affected. While this has the

potential to affect a robot, they do receive a plus five to avoid detachable parts from falling off.

One could not affect a wax sealed potion, however a corked one would be affected.

Critical Success: double range, duration, area of effect. targets make saving throws at -2 penalty.

delay time to use this cantrip again is halved.

Critical Fumble: See Casting Corruption above...