* Celestial Bodies

The Twin Suns:

A red & orange giant binary star system, Carcosa orbits these two suns. The beginning of a Carcosan month marks one of the suns eclipsing the other as they orbit each other, appearing to be a single sun in the sky. Midway though the month the two suns appear much further apart.

* The Greater Sun: "Garusa Sot'aer"

This is the Red Sun of the Carcosa system. When it eclipses the Orange Sun (Lesser Sun) it is considered a "Full Sun".

* The Lesser Sun: "Ulasara Sot'aer"

This is the Orange Sun of the Carcosa system. When it eclipses the Red Sun (Greater Sun) it is considered a "New Sun".

Thale (1st orbiting planet):

Naotalba (2nd orbiting planet):

Uoht (3rd orbiting planet):

(World of) Carcosa (4th planet):

The "World of Carcosa" itself does not orbit the twin suns "Sot'aersa" and in a fixed location away from it's parent stars as they orbit each other.

The phenomenon that causes this also has a "Burmuda Triangle" effect pulling in starships from other universes and times.

Cassilda (1st moon of Carcosa):

This moon has a size & gravity comparable to Mars. Note: Any characters from this world should have less STR.

Camilla (2nd moon of Carcosa):

Moon Beast Colony. Camilla has a large number of craters that have been modified with gravity enhancing structures to hold an atmosphere below the edges of the craters. Rising above such places will lead to death to most air breathing creatures.

Elhalyn (3rd moon of Carcosa):

Cracked husk of a moon, with broken shell fragments of it's crust slowly orbiting over other section. The movement of the fragments among the gas and dust clouds present within the husk of a moon often create vast lightning that can sometimes be seen when only Elhalyn haunts the night sky. Elhalyn possesses some extra- dimensional/non-euclidean properties and sometimes parts of it will appear to overlap other parts in impossible ways or even overlaps parts of the horizon as it rises/sets.

Byssa (Concealed Fourth Moon of Carcosa):

Only visible to a select few. Is actually the offspring of Goroth the Herald of the Outer Gods. One of the smaller moons, is technically closer than the other moons. Some of it's tentacles are known to caress the sky. Inspiration for this moon comes from Jeff Rient's "What Went Wrong" document, referring to the "Miscellaneous Background Weirdness" result number 20. Sometimes meteors passing though Byssa prior to entering the atmosphere are altered to possess extra-dimensional properties. The orbit of this mystery moon has also been known to disrupt space time, causing star ships unaware of it's existence to warp them from other times and parallel realities on their approach to the planet.

The Star Islands (Orbital Debris Field):

Looks like thousands upon thousands of satellites orbiting the night sky near the equator. This is a massive debris field of ancient star ships that the Byakhee have raided for food and pulled into orbit as nests. Sometimes these ships fall out of orbit.


Some sort of ancient star gate that orbits the world, possibly created by the Great Race of Yith. due to it's proximity to the edge of the starship debris field that surrounds the world, one can only suspect the Byakhee frequently pillage unsuspecting visiting space craft making use of this portal as a hunting ground.


A large asteroid or possible comet that got caught in orbit. Not big enough to classify as an actual moon. Mi-Go use it as a trading post/transfer station of sorts. Rumored to have a portal to Yuggoth.

Tassilda (5th orbiting planet):

Tasylock (6th orbiting planet):

Thothut (7th orbiting planet):

Haita (8th orbiting planet):


Nearby Dolm dwarf star, when in the night sky it gives off a very faint dolm hue to the night sky.

The Galaxy as seen from Carcosa...