* Hex Maps

Carcosa Ten Mile Across Map Hexes (704 yards per sub-hex)

Please note that some of these hexes have additional landscapes that do not appear on the stock Carcosa map from the book. I added some new features to these previously empty hexes for my Hyadian Schism campaign setting.

* Click on a Hex Number to open the map you wish to view.

* Hex 0101 "The Charred City Ruins"

* Hex 0102 "The Path of Knots"

* Hex 0201 "The Lakes of Fetid Fungus"

* Hex 0202 "The Orchard of the Damned"

* Hex 0904 "Crushing Plains / Forest of Ravenous Apes"

* Hex 1012 (The Village of "The One" ~ Jahar)

* Hex 1903 (Pojamar Mountains)

* Hex 1904 (Pojamar Mountains)

* Hex 1905 (The Murder Fields)

* Hex 1906 (Plateau of P'tagn)

* Hex 2003 (The Moldering Wormlands)

* Hex 2004 (Labyrinth of Ur-Hazag)

* Hex 2005 (Fungoid Gardens of the Bone Sorcerer)

* Hex 2006 (Plateau of P'tagn)

* Hex 2013 (Dominion of She of the Lake)

* Hex 2103 (The Gulf Between Realities)

* Hex 2104 (The Dead Lakes)

* Hex 2105 (Great Canyon of Thol-Yaeth)

* Hex 2106 (Space/Time Distortion)

* Hex 2113 (Lake Yagshe)

* Hex 2203 (The Blighted Lands)

* Hex 2204 (The Razor Teeth)

* Hex 2205 (The Thorn Spire Lands)

* Hex 2206 (The Kingdom of the Star Carcass)

* Hex 2304 (Temple of 941 Abominations)

* Hex 2305 (Sea of Scintillating Cilia)

* Hex 2306 (The Glass Lands)

* Hex 2401 (The Void Crater)

* Hex 2402 "Grave of the Great Skelepede"

* Hex 2403 (Tumultuous Mold Pits)