The Pinkie interview...

Post date: Dec 12, 2008 11:23:44 AM

Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed Pinkie

I guess the first questions have to be about the cue.


Why the pink cue and red chalk?

The pink cue was a dare, and the red chalk is because blue/green would look silly on a pink cue.

Have you got a pink extension too for those tricky long shots?

I have a 12" pink extension which I keep in my trousers!

Do you think it gives you the psychological edges when you screw your pink beast together in front of them before a game?

No, I've lost more than I've won with it.

Have you ever been scared to reveal it in public?

No, but I was nearly arrested once!

Would you consider changing it for a bigger model? Or a different cue completely?

No - it is part of me!

The harry dogs

What one word would describe being part of the pack of the harry dogs?


Why do you think the dogs have been involved in a few pool confrontations this year? None ending in any fights though!

Because certain team members are lacking in the mystic art of self-control.

Who is the funniest Harry dog?

Glen of course.

Who is the best Harry dog at pool?

Moppy of course, he's the greatest natural talent that ever lived.

Pool games and Opponents

Who is the best team/player you have played at pool?

I enjoy playing with myself alot.

What is the longest game of pool you have played?

One Hour and 23 minutes against duster boy in the travellers. (The best man won).

If you could change one rule at pool.. What would it be?

The re-rack rule ;-)

Thank you for the interview Pinkie.