SLKPA match report v Running Horses

Post date: Oct 1, 2010 4:17:04 PM

First game of the season pitted us to our close neighbours Running horses.

Our first set gave us 3 out of 5 wins. The first game was won by Captain 'Power' Thursday himself (Kevin Hewitt), producing a good controlled finish. This was followed by wins from debutant Stephen Marsters (nickname still to be finalised) and OSW.

No set wins in the winter league, it's all about frame points. So 3-2 up

Second set saw the introduction of moppy into the action. Who promptly produced a gritty display of World Rules tactics for the audience to admire.. (or moan about ). After a flury of DF's moppy came away with the victory... And the adulation of his team mates (not). A wins a win :). The only other Master8'ers victory came at the hands of the John who put his loss in the first set behind him.

5:5 not so good.

Master8'ers needs to turn up the heat... And helped by some fine fiery chilli and very spicy dips thats what they did.

Moppy kicked off the set a win for 2 out of 2 display to beat Mick

Captain Power found some overdrive and produced a fine win agaisnt a very good Phil from Running Horses

Not too be out done, Newboy Marsters finished off SLKPA Commitee member Mark with 7 of his reds still standing in a fine display of potting.

The wins kept coming with John and OSW finishing the night with wins.

Result : A 10:5 away win is a good start to the campaign. And shows how a winning mentality breeds success, A few good results and we play a much better game.