Article 068 - How to Create Beauty

How to Create Beauty


Don’t begin to Create Beauty until you are Not Thinking about it and are Happy.

Draw the Existing Object as Basic Elemental Shapes.

Separate the Elemental Shapes of the Object.

Enhance the Elemental Shapes of the Object.

Find the Functions of each of the Elements of the Object.

Enhance the Form of the Functions of each of the Elements of the Object.

Enhance the Details of each Forms of the Object.

Identify the overall Length x Breadth x Height x Width of the total Object.

Bring all of the previous Elements together to form the New Object.

Do not alter the New Objects Form.

Allow Diversity of Elements in a Form.

Allow Diversity of Pattern in a Form.

Identify the Optimal Functional Minimal Materials for the Object.

Identify the Properties of the Optimal Material.

Identify the Shape from those Properties and match it to the previous list.

Identify the Shadow Forms of the New Object and Optimize them.

Identify the Weight of the New Object and Optimize it.

Identify the Reflectance, Colour, Odour, Texture, Sound of the Object and Optimize each.

Identify the Life of the Object and Enhance its Longevity.

Never Compromise the Previous item in this list by the item after it.


This Creates Beauty.


Ian K Whittaker







235 words over 2 pages