Article 062 - Why Order and Repetition are Necessary and contain Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos within them.

Why Order and Repetition are Necessary and contain

Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos within them


Some Initial Definitions and Opposites

Definitions:        Order: Sequence or arrangement, systematically arranged.

Opposite:          Chaos: Complete disorder and confusion. Non-Sequential


Definitions:        Repetition: Repeating or being repeated.

Opposite:          Unique: Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else


What Everything Is

The Universe is observed as linear by a life form such as a human.

Everything within it is linear nature seems to follow the same energy to matter and back to energy sequence.

The energy is formed in quantum structures. These react to form dense energy we term chemicals and so matter. This matter reacts and forms energy and so cycles from simplicity to complexity through an apparent ordered and repetitive sequence.


To examine if Order and Repetition are necessary and contain Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos within them consider a visible form of matter.


Consider Chemistry.


In Chemistry three things must occur for a reaction to take place.

The reactants must exist and collide

The reactants must collide with sufficient energy to react again.

The reactants must collide in the correct orientation to react again.




Energy can be put into a reaction to increase its rate of reaction.

Energy can be taken out of a reaction to reduce its rate of reaction.

Energy in a chemical reaction will reduce until its reactant energy and so chemicals are used up.

Reactants can combine by synthesis.

Things can break up by decomposition.

These processes involving Order and Repetition and contain Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos within them.


Consider Complex Chemical Reactions, Life.


The complex chemical reactions are what we call Life.

Life has a linear Order and Repetition but also a Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos within it.

Life takes in energy and converts it to matter and also matter and converts it into energy.

Life chemically combines and then chemically divides to multiply by Order and Repetition.

Life becomes ever more responsive to the environment by chemical evolution through Order and Repetition and Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos.


Now consider Humans.


Humans are a complex chemical Life form.

Humans are therefore energy, matter, energy processing reactions.

Humans are a chemical reaction.


Human chemical nature causes their chemical reactions to collide with other reactants at the correct orientation with sufficient energy to react and repeat in both Order and Repetition and Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos.

These orientated chemical collisions and reactions also operate for human sensory inputs with storage through synaptic construction and operation, checking an repeating.

Sensory outputs then seek to repeat the process in other humans to reach a consensus of chemical collision information.

Humans therefore exhibit the processes of Order and Repetition and Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos.


Consider the Existence of Humans


Through their chemical reactions individual humans have transposed their chemical reaction sequences onto the components of their lives. These components are their needs, values, appreciations of quality, appreciations of beauty, and the forming of group human cultures and societies.


Order, Repetition and Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos have been encoded into the creation of these components by humans and given the overall terms, Communication and Technology.


Light allows the ability to see, survive and invent. Signs, symbols, ideograms, hieroglyphs, letters and numbers follow an Ordered and Repetitive and Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos, linear sequence to describe the movement of time.


The Order, Repetition and Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos of humanities chemical processes can be identified through the manufactured products that humanity is incentivized to produce to ensure survival of the population as so the longevity of the society and its chemical reactions.

These products are Environment, Water, Food, Energy, Architecture, Medicines, Education and Transport.


The Order, Repetition and Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos of chemical processes can also be followed through into products that the human population are motivated to create to fulfil their wants and desires. These are the values, qualities, appreciations of beauty and cultural products. These are emblematic of feudal, conquered, military dictatorship and industrial societies since they create prestige, displaying the dominance of their chemical reactions.

These products are Literature, Music, Fashion, Art, Sculpture and Architecture.


The chemical reaction products that the human population are motivated to create next are those that respond to the fears of the population due to chemical depletion and decomposition.

These are Security and Reproduction.


The human chemical reaction therefore communicates through other chemical reactions in order to produce Order and Repetition through a response, a reaction and a evolutionary repetition by Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos.


A Mathematical Proof of Why Order and Repetition are Necessary

and contain Non-Sequential Repetition Chaos within them


In the beginning of or world there where four main chemical elements.

These went on as reactants and reagents to form new chemical components.

These formed all we understand as the Earth, organic or inorganic, all life including humans.


This chemical reaction and reagent process can be simulated by examining the outcome of variations available by the following methods.


The Basic Set

The basic set of chemicals. Carbon C, Oxygen O, Hydrogen H, Nitrogen N can be represented as a four letter set.




This can then be tested for subset variation potential.


Test 1

This allows all four letters to be chosen and so all four chemicals for the starting set of reactions.

This allows all four letters to be chosen and so all four chemicals for any subset of reactions.

Order is allowed to exist in the subsets.

Repetition is allowed to exist in the subsets


Subsets Generated.

{c,c,c,c} {c,c,c,o} {c,c,c,h} {c,c,c,n} {c,c,o,c} {c,c,o,o} {c,c,o,h} {c,c,o,n} {c,c,h,c} {c,c,h,o} {c,c,h,h} {c,c,h,n} {c,c,n,c} {c,c,n,o} {c,c,n,h} {c,c,n,n} {c,o,c,c} {c,o,c,o} {c,o,c,h} {c,o,c,n} {c,o,o,c} {c,o,o,o} {c,o,o,h} {c,o,o,n} {c,o,h,c} {c,o,h,o} {c,o,h,h} {c,o,h,n} {c,o,n,c} {c,o,n,o} {c,o,n,h} {c,o,n,n} {c,h,c,c} {c,h,c,o} {c,h,c,h} {c,h,c,n} {c,h,o,c} {c,h,o,o} {c,h,o,h} {c,h,o,n} {c,h,h,c} {c,h,h,o} {c,h,h,h} {c,h,h,n} {c,h,n,c} {c,h,n,o} {c,h,n,h} {c,h,n,n} {c,n,c,c} {c,n,c,o} {c,n,c,h} {c,n,c,n} {c,n,o,c} {c,n,o,o} {c,n,o,h} {c,n,o,n} {c,n,h,c} {c,n,h,o} {c,n,h,h} {c,n,h,n} {c,n,n,c} {c,n,n,o} {c,n,n,h} {c,n,n,n} {o,c,c,c} {o,c,c,o} {o,c,c,h} {o,c,c,n} {o,c,o,c} {o,c,o,o} {o,c,o,h} {o,c,o,n} {o,c,h,c} {o,c,h,o} {o,c,h,h} {o,c,h,n} {o,c,n,c} {o,c,n,o} {o,c,n,h} {o,c,n,n} {o,o,c,c} {o,o,c,o} {o,o,c,h} {o,o,c,n} {o,o,o,c} {o,o,o,o} {o,o,o,h} {o,o,o,n} {o,o,h,c} {o,o,h,o} {o,o,h,h} {o,o,h,n} {o,o,n,c} {o,o,n,o} {o,o,n,h} {o,o,n,n} {o,h,c,c} {o,h,c,o} {o,h,c,h} {o,h,c,n} {o,h,o,c} {o,h,o,o} {o,h,o,h} {o,h,o,n} {o,h,h,c} {o,h,h,o} {o,h,h,h} {o,h,h,n} {o,h,n,c} {o,h,n,o} {o,h,n,h} {o,h,n,n} {o,n,c,c} {o,n,c,o} {o,n,c,h} {o,n,c,n} {o,n,o,c} {o,n,o,o} {o,n,o,h} {o,n,o,n} {o,n,h,c} {o,n,h,o} {o,n,h,h} {o,n,h,n} {o,n,n,c} {o,n,n,o} {o,n,n,h} {o,n,n,n} {h,c,c,c} {h,c,c,o} {h,c,c,h} {h,c,c,n} {h,c,o,c} {h,c,o,o} {h,c,o,h} {h,c,o,n} {h,c,h,c} {h,c,h,o} {h,c,h,h} {h,c,h,n} {h,c,n,c} {h,c,n,o} {h,c,n,h} {h,c,n,n} {h,o,c,c} {h,o,c,o} {h,o,c,h} {h,o,c,n} {h,o,o,c} {h,o,o,o} {h,o,o,h} {h,o,o,n} {h,o,h,c} {h,o,h,o} {h,o,h,h} {h,o,h,n} {h,o,n,c} {h,o,n,o} {h,o,n,h} {h,o,n,n} {h,h,c,c} {h,h,c,o} {h,h,c,h} {h,h,c,n} {h,h,o,c} {h,h,o,o} {h,h,o,h} {h,h,o,n} {h,h,h,c} {h,h,h,o} {h,h,h,h} {h,h,h,n} {h,h,n,c} {h,h,n,o} {h,h,n,h} {h,h,n,n} {h,n,c,c} {h,n,c,o} {h,n,c,h} {h,n,c,n} {h,n,o,c} {h,n,o,o} {h,n,o,h} {h,n,o,n} {h,n,h,c} {h,n,h,o} {h,n,h,h} {h,n,h,n} {h,n,n,c} {h,n,n,o} {h,n,n,h} {h,n,n,n} {n,c,c,c} {n,c,c,o} {n,c,c,h} {n,c,c,n} {n,c,o,c} {n,c,o,o} {n,c,o,h} {n,c,o,n} {n,c,h,c} {n,c,h,o} {n,c,h,h} {n,c,h,n} {n,c,n,c} {n,c,n,o} {n,c,n,h} {n,c,n,n} {n,o,c,c} {n,o,c,o} {n,o,c,h} {n,o,c,n} {n,o,o,c} {n,o,o,o} {n,o,o,h} {n,o,o,n} {n,o,h,c} {n,o,h,o} {n,o,h,h} {n,o,h,n} {n,o,n,c} {n,o,n,o} {n,o,n,h} {n,o,n,n} {n,h,c,c} {n,h,c,o} {n,h,c,h} {n,h,c,n} {n,h,o,c} {n,h,o,o} {n,h,o,h} {n,h,o,n} {n,h,h,c} {n,h,h,o} {n,h,h,h} {n,h,h,n} {n,h,n,c} {n,h,n,o} {n,h,n,h} {n,h,n,n} {n,n,c,c} {n,n,c,o} {n,n,c,h} {n,n,c,n} {n,n,o,c} {n,n,o,o} {n,n,o,h} {n,n,o,n} {n,n,h,c} {n,n,h,o} {n,n,h,h} {n,n,h,n} {n,n,n,c} {n,n,n,o} {n,n,n,h} {n,n,n,n}

This allows 256 possible subsets to exist. 

Source of mathematical formulae:

The Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos is identified in each of the above set groups by the Non-Sequential Repetition of any of the letters or sets of letters in any of the subsets or subset sequences. In this case 4 to the power of 256 or 1.340781e+154 potential variations.


Test 2

This allows all four letters to be chosen and so all four chemicals for the starting set of reactions.

This allows all four letters to be chosen and so all four chemicals for any subset of reactions.

Order is not allowed to exist in the subsets.

Repetition is allowed to exist in the subsets.


Subsets Generated.

{c,c,c,c} {c,c,c,o} {c,c,c,h} {c,c,c,n} {c,c,o,o} {c,c,o,h} {c,c,o,n} {c,c,h,h} {c,c,h,n} {c,c,n,n} {c,o,o,o} {c,o,o,h} {c,o,o,n} {c,o,h,h} {c,o,h,n} {c,o,n,n} {c,h,h,h} {c,h,h,n} {c,h,n,n} {c,n,n,n} {o,o,o,o} {o,o,o,h} {o,o,o,n} {o,o,h,h} {o,o,h,n} {o,o,n,n} {o,h,h,h} {o,h,h,n} {o,h,n,n} {o,n,n,n} {h,h,h,h} {h,h,h,n} {h,h,n,n} {h,n,n,n} {n,n,n,n}

This allows 35 possible subsets to exist.

Source of mathematical formulae:

The Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos is identified in each of the above set groups by the Non-Sequential Repetition of any of the letters or sets of letters in any of the subsets or subset sequences. In this case 4 to the power of 35 or 1.1805916e+21 potential variations.


Test 3

This allows all four letters to be chosen and so all four chemicals for the starting set of reactions.

This allows all four letters to be chosen and so all four chemicals for any subset of reactions.

Order is allowed to exist in the subsets.

Repetition is not allowed to exist in the subsets.


Subsets Generated.

{c,o,h,n} {c,o,n,h} {c,h,o,n} {c,h,n,o} {c,n,o,h} {c,n,h,o} {o,c,h,n} {o,c,n,h} {o,h,c,n} {o,h,n,c} {o,n,c,h} {o,n,h,c} {h,c,o,n} {h,c,n,o} {h,o,c,n} {h,o,n,c} {h,n,c,o} {h,n,o,c} {n,c,o,h} {n,c,h,o} {n,o,c,h} {n,o,h,c} {n,h,c,o} {n,h,o,c}

This allows 24 possible subsets to exist.

Source of mathematical formulae:

The Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos is identified in each of the above set groups by the Non-Sequential Repetition of any of the letters or sets of letters in any of the subsets or subset sequences. In this case 4 to the power of 24 or 2.8147498e+14 potential variations.


Test 4

This allows all four letters to be chosen and so all four chemicals for the starting set of reactions.

This allows all four letters to be chosen and so all four chemicals for any subset of reactions.

Order is not allowed to exist in the subsets.

Repetition is not allowed to exist in the subsets


Subsets Generated.


This allows 1 possible subset to exist.

Source of mathematical formulae:

The Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos is identified in each of the above set groups by the Non-Sequential Repetition of any of the letters or sets of letters in any of the subsets or subset sequences. In this case 4 to the power of 1 or 4 potential variations.



For any base set Order, Repetition and Non-sequential Repetition, Chaos will exist inherently within it.


If Order is allowed to exist in the subsets and if Repetition is allowed to exist in the subsets then the subsets produced will have the highest variety and the largest Non-sequential Repetition, Chaos.


If Order is not allowed to exist in the subsets and Repetition is allowed to exist in the subsets then the subsets produced will have the next highest variety and the next largest Non-sequential Repetition, Chaos.


If Order is allowed to exist in the subsets and Repetition is not allowed to exist in the subsets then the subsets produced will have the next highest variety and the next largest Non-sequential Repetition, Chaos.


If Order is not allowed to exist in the subsets and Repetition is not allowed to exist in the subsets then the subsets produced will have the lowest possible variety and the lowest possible Non-sequential Repetition, Chaos.


In order of magnitude the controls of the base set can be written as Chaos, Order, Repetition


In mathematical ratio Chaos, Order, Repetition can be expressed as

1.340781e+154 : 256 : 4

1.1805916e+21 : 35 : 4

2.8147498e+14 : 24 : 4

4 : 1 : 4


Non - Sequential Repetition, Chaos, is everywhere until Order and Repetition are applied or Order or Repetition are applied. 


Further Order and Repetition of the subsets to an infinite level is also possible.

The reader, the observer, can change the nature of their relative sensory input and output of the subsets by reading them out in different orders to each other.

This allows an infinite complexity but with quantum interaction in the subsets and in the Order, repetition and the Non - Sequential Repetition, Chaos.

This is the Design ability of the observer.


This also indicates that since the Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos is inherent in any base set then at some time it will self organize.

This allows self - organization to be defined as the ability of any base set to react with, the environment, the surrounding sets of energy.

This confirms that the Universe has no overall controller. It only needs Potential energy moving into Kinetic energy Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos, to create.


This is how all we know as our Universe has formed.

It is the nature of human existence, beliefs, thoughts, creations and evolution.

It is an energy, matter, energy reaction.

Humans are multi-dimensional energy forming matter, forming energy, reactions.


Order and Repetition are Necessary and contain Non-Sequential Repetition, Chaos within them.


Ian K Whittaker









2081 words over 6 pages.