
Day 12


Fundations letter board: practice all the letters saying the letter, keyword(picture), sound

Vowel Extension chart: practice extending the short vowel sound

Uppercase/lowercase Tap it Out practice worksheet: Complete 2-3 letter worksheets of your choice.


Click on the teacher read aloud.

After the read aloud, read independently for 15 minutes in a special place. You many read from your book baggie or choose any books you have at home. Remember to retell the story or think of some facts from the book.

Frog and Toad Together "The Garden".mov

Writing: Opinion Writing

If you could choose any animal to be your pet, what would be the perfect pet?

Sentence Starter: My perfect pet would be....

  • write a complete sentence using sentence starter

  • draw your pet

  • label your picture

  • Print writing paper from your child's teacher OR use any paper you have!

  • Note: We will revisit this writing on a later date.


Practice counting to 100 by ones and tens

**Bonus: Count by two's and five's. Use your 100 chart to help!**

Watch video: Click the link below.

IXL: Login and complete the assignments below.

  • I.2. Add with cubes - sums up to 5

  • D.3. Count dots- 0 to 20

  • Please stop working after 20 minutes

  • If there is extra time, complete the bonus:

    • ANYTHING under N. Positions OR W. Three-dimensional Shapes

Social Studies

  • Watch the video

  • Draw, label and color a picture of your favorite community helper.

  • Note: We will revisit this picture on a later date


Activity 3: The Most Magnificent Thing!

Instructions: First, watch the YouTube read aloud of the picture book The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires.

Now think about something that you’ve tried to do that you couldn’t do the first time you tried it. For instance, think about what you created for your maker mat. How did you feel when it didn’t work at first? How did you learn to do it or fix it? Did you practice or try different things? Did you ask someone for help?

Sometimes things don’t work out the way we plan them to. Sometimes we have to walk away from something we’re working on and come back to it later like the little girl in the book The Most Magnificent Thing.

Once you’ve considered these things, here is what I would like you to do:

On a piece of paper draw a picture of something you couldn't do the first time you tried it, but that you learned to do with practice.

For example, kick a soccer ball or button your shirt.

When you are done drawing your picture write just a few words explaining how you learned to do it right.

For example, “Start with the top button.” or “Take my time.”

When you are done, put your picture in your school folder to turn it in at a later date.